If you had more users added than the number remaining slots that were left after the server Elyon Gold
merges last month the account won't be able to log into or log into Elyon after you remove some down to the maximum number of slots. This change is in the latest update, which was followed by the grace period of one month for those that are affected to to sort out their accounts.
The Elyon server merge resulted in each region having just one server, meaning it was possible to be left without more than available slots. The team had warned about what to expect once the merge process began but there was some time to make necessary changes before you were locked out completely. Now, that's over.
Other updates in the latest update comprise a higher level limit of 50. a new RvR world quest along with an Pirate Ship Fighting World Tournament quest, class balance as well as a couple of brand new events.
One of the new events is called Celebrating Commander's Training Field. It's the introduction of and, of course, the Commander's Training Field and you'll be able to earn rewards for participating in the. When you're successful you'll get Training Field Badge x8 and if you lose or draw, you'll get four. Collect these during the event period (which expires on March 30. just before maintenance) and then trade them to earn rewards. These rewards consist of a set of enhancements and enhancement reset items.
Another event, called It's a Wonderful World, also runs as an international event over the next two weeks. The event lets you participate in various events like Fish Rock, where 100 players compete . The person which catches the biggest fish takes home the prize.
It's the Pirate Ship Fighting World Tournament lets characters level 46 and above in groups of 5-12 get into it in a free for all. Everyone else is an enemy buy Elyon Gold therefore, get fighting. If you defeat opponents, you earn scores, however, you also gain points by winning.