Runescape isnt about the best methods to earn money or the best rate xp/hour, ITS ALL ABOUT FUN! So just do what you like, train your fav ability, try out other skills, do minigames or pursuit and then see exactly what you enjoy best. Using a dream is good, as it lets you keep yourself inspired all of the time. For the Gs, iwould start with getting 75 att. My personal dream ever since was getting the pursuit cape. Ive worked till I couldnt take it any more and then I constantly stopped and did fun things. Today im only 12 pursuit points away, its not impossible. Questing is good for unlocking cool things, if you do quests clearly, rather than for money.
Fighting is maybe more fun than skilling but has significantly more dangers, cash is great. Skilling is occasionally boring, but safe and the cash can also be good. Fighting: Get up your range to kill avansies, is like 200-400 k/hour or
RuneScape gold train your own meele and slay dragons, that can be constant money. Anyhow, with combat you will always have several alternatives. Skilling: Woodcutting is great but boring, same for fishing, crafting nats is perhaps more entertaining and good cash. The adavantage is you dont depend on the drops, which normally vary (if you've got terrible luck like me, then youre screwed up if battling money) Treasure Trail: Unsteady income, but fun and chance of earning millions extremely fast. Im tired of composing and I hope I have answered all your questions.
However I am not overly keen on my helm. So I was wondering just two concerns: Is it worth exchanging my helm (which has +4 power ) to get a helm with better defence but without a strength? If'yes', then which helm can it be best to go for: Torag's Helm. Guthan's Helm. I want the helm that seems best with bandos, but any remarks and reasons why I'll be interested in hearing. Thanks. P.S. I understand the slayer helm seems fine, but it has same defence as my helm but no strength - so that's a whole downgrade! (And of course my slayer is rubbish.)
A couple of months ago, the Summer's End quest was released, and I was fairly enthusiastic about it. Decent rewards. Didn't look too hard. At least, not until I tried it. I had been powerful, until I realized that the combat portion against the Beast. I died before I could get two fires lit. I tried it for about 4 times, about twice each day, and consecutively failed. So now, being the uber powerful and somewhat narcissistic person that I am, maybe I can triumph after a little bit of
Old School RS Goldinstruction. The question is: How? I want to successfully chop down 15 roots, using a Woodcutting level of 62. This up ability? I want to have the ability to run around to several components, in addition to take a bit of time to dodge attacks, and revive a few Electricity with 58 Agility. Up this skill? What potions do I use? How many?
The Wall