Have fewer artificial barriers.


Date & time Oct 21 '20
97304 Berlin, Germany Silicon Valley, USA.
Creator Dingbest

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Have fewer artificial barriers.Insert more threat into the inside of OSRS gold these forests. Most of the map reflects a world that is logical for a mid to low level player, to whom dragon are an unusual substance to see and Barrows armour extremely infrequent. The most dangerous places simply are not dangerous. Literally adding boss monsters to the centres of these forests would massively increase their threat. However, that's only possible if these areas are large enough that you can go around them if you know where you are. Make the in-game world map more exact. New lands would really be alien.

Have fewer artificial barriers. That is a huge immersion breaker. If cliffs were scalable but took some time and equipment, if boundaries were not literally wooden fences we might jump , if rivers weren't literal walls but instead obstacles that would be swam over if you had the ideal equipment, that would be fantastic.

There is critters, but nothing to bind you to the fights, there's training stains, but no grounds to use them. You don't get lost in the dream of the landscaping because there's nothing to get lost in besides aesthetics, and you're just twiddling your thumbs waiting for to another port of call, which, may go partially hand in hand with your suggestion of raising the problem, but it will require more than that. Very very good point. Jagex has done a few things to adress this, but it does not work for veteran players. I moved to Karamja to quest, same as I moved into the desert and Morytania. That's the big reason to visit those regions, but the problem is that once you're done there, you are done.

Slayer. That could bind one to cheap RS gold a fight, and the point is that you travel to those areas to fight. Unfortunately, a great deal of slayer is bound up in dungeons, but that is a essential consequence of making some areas available to everyone: unless I'm wearing the proper gear, I can not realistically run through an area with, say, aberrant spectres. Hunter. That was a fantastic way of earning people go from civilisation. Fishing, in f2p. You needed to go to Karamja to receive the best fish. Authentic in members to the dwelling rock caverns.

Woodcutting. Teaks and Mahoganies were/are rare jungle trees. Unless they include many unique resources to every single map place, what do you suggest they do? Most tools need to be implemented very carefully to be at all useful: Mahogany had the construction ability, some hunter regions needed , and so on.

The Wall

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