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この記事は、WikiFXに投稿している投資者からの情報より纏めた情報です。投資者に注意喚起を行うため投稿者の方に協力を得て注意喚起を行っております。To get more news about 真相公開, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Plus Minus Investasi Di Mata Uang Kripto
uang kripto alias cryptocurrency mulai menjadi instrumen investasi
primadona di tanah air. Ini karena nilainya terus mengalami lonjakan
dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, melampaui instrumen lain seperti emas
hingga saham.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
satu yang paling populer adalah Bitcoin yang kapitalisasinya mencapai
US$1 triliun. Tak tanggung-tanggung, perusahaan raksasa sekelas Tesla
hingga Visa juga ikut mengoleksinya sebagai aset.
Selain Bitcoin,
nilai mata uang kripto lainnya seperti Ethereum, Binance Coin hingga
Dogecoin juga ikut terkerek. Belum lama ini kapitalisasi pasar mata uang
kripto bahkan tembus US$2 triliun yang merupakan level tertingginya
sepanjang sejarah.
Data pelacak pasar CoinGecko dan Blockfolio
mengungkap kenaikan kapitalisasi pasar uang kripto terjadi karena
meningkatnya permintaan dari investor institusional dan ritel.
mulai masuknya mata uang kripto dalam portofolio para investor
tersebut, tentunya porsi ke aset lainnya akan berkurang jika tidak ada
penambahan modal. Salah satu yang paling kentara adalah pasar emas yang
terus digerogoti oleh Bitcoin.
Maklum, Bitcoin digadang-gadang
sebagai emas digital yang dianggap lebih aman bagi investor untuk
terhindar dari inflasi. Namun, derasnya perpindahan modal tersebut juga
tak lepas dari sejumlah keunggulan yang dimiliki mata uang kripto
dibandingkan instrumen investasi lainnya.
Analis Central Capital
Futures Wahyu Laksono mengatakan salah satu kelebihan itu adalah biaya
transaksinya yang murah, praktis dan cepat karena berbasis digital.
memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, banyak pihak bisa mendapatkan
keuntungan dari Bitcoin dkk. Termasuk di dalamnya adalah masyarakat yang
selama ini tidak terangkul oleh bank (unbankable).
“Salah satu
aspek crypto yang menarik bagi saya adalah teknologi ini berpotensi
menarik orang yang tidak memiliki rekening bank dari seluruh dunia, ke
dalam sistem keuangan modern,” ucapnya kepada CNNIndonesia.com.
itu, mata uang kripto juga memiliki fleksibilitas tersendiri karena tak
punya akses atau terafiliasi kepada bank. Hal ini menguntungkan
pemiliknya sebab mereka dapat melakukan transaksi dengan uang kripto
kapan saja tak perlu menunggu waktu jam kerja bank.
diketahui, meski bentuknya virtual, uang kripto tetap dapat digunakan
untuk bertransaksi online serta dapat dikonversikan ke mata uang seperti
rupiah, dolar dan lainnya sehingga dapat menjadi alternatif transaksi
lintas negara.
Di samping itu, mata uang kripto juga menjanjikan
keuntungan yang jelas karena tak berkaitan dengan institusi, lembaga,
atau negara.“Teknologi itu bebas dan tidak berpihak, jadi punya ruang
besar bagi banyak orang untuk memanfaatkan secara langsung,” kata Wahyu.
“Karena itu investor melihat peluang pelarian modal dari uang fiat ke aset lain, yaitu uang digital,” jelasnya.
demikian, mata uang kripto juga memiliki sejumlah risiko seperti
instrumen investasi lainnya. Business Manager Indosukses Futures Suluh
Adil Wicaksono mengatakan paling besar adalah fluktuasi nilai yang
tinggi sehingga harganya bisa naik tajam lalu terjerembab dalam waktu
kurang dari sehari.
“Bisa untung besar dalam waktu cepat namun juga bisa mengalami kerugian dalam waktu cepat juga,” ucapnya.
tidak ada aturan suspensi atau pemberhentian perdagangan sementara
dalam investasi cryptocurrency layaknya di pasar saham, apabila terjadi
kenaikan atau penurunan tajam.
“Saham itu dia masih ada yang
unusual market activity (UMA), jadi kalau ada gerak tidak wajar, turun
atau naik tajam, ada otoritas yang hentikan perdagangannya. Ada aturan
yang jelas, kalau di Bitcoin ini tidak,” terangnya.
lainnya adalah ketiadaan legalitas dari bank sentral. Perlu diketahui,
hingga saat ini, sejumlah negara belum melegalkan Bitcoin sebagai alat
pembayaran sah, termasuk di Indonesia.
Bank Indonesia pun
menegaskan bahwa mata uang kripto seperti bitcoin dkk tidak diakui
sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah. Sehingga, pemerintah atau otoritas
terkait tidak bisa ikut campur terhadap naik turunnya nilai aset
“Tidak ada penanggung jawab terkait harganya yang sangat
fluktuatif. Karenanya, fluktuasi harganya sangat bergantung pada
permintaan dan penawaran,” ucapnya.
Ia menambahkan mata uang kripto
juga tidak berada di bawah pengawasan bank sentral layaknya mata uang
fiat lainnya. Karenanya, tak ada aturan baku dalam perdagangan Bitcoin
Kelemahan terakhir adalah masalah keamanan. Tak bisa
dipungkiri, teknologi yang ditawarkan mata uang digital memiliki 2 sisi
mata uang. Selain menawarkan kemudahan bagi penggunanya dalam
bertransaksi, teknologi ini dikhawatirkan juga rawan terhadap peretas
atau hacker.
Jika terjadi tindakan hacker, penggunanya pun tidak
bisa membuat laporan kepada otoritas terkait karena mata uang digital
tidak berada di bawah pengawasan bank sentral.
Ekonom Center of
Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia Piter Abdullah Redjalam mengatakan
popularitas mata uang kripto tak lepas dari besarnya dukungan dari
banyak pemain global.
“Dengan supply terbatas karena penciptaan
uangnya secara desentralisasi, melalui penambangan, didukung dukungan
kepercayaan masyarakat global yang makin meluas, nilai uang kripto terus
melambung tinggi,” ucapnya.
Kenaikan uang kripto yang sangat
tinggi tentu menarik minat para pemilik dana. Proses bola salju ini akan
terus berlanjut kecuali jika ada shock yang menghancurkan kepercayaan
terhadap uang kripto.
rất nhiều phong cách trade forex khác nhau và mỗi loại lại đòi hỏi các
phương pháp khác nhau. Việc chọn đúng loại phong cách trade phù hợp với
bản thân sẽ giúp bạn tối đa hoá khả năng thành công.To get more news
about phong cách giao dịch forex, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
1. Phong cách giao dịch Position Trading
1.1 Khái niệm Position Trading:
trading - giao dịch giữ vị thế trong thời gian dài - là phong cách giao
dịch dài hạn đòi hỏi một sự hiểu biết rõ ràng về các nguyên tắc cơ bản,
nhanh nhạy cũng như có sự tiên đoán tốt về mức độ biến động của giá cả
trong dài hạn.
Với chiến lược này, các nhà giao dịch (gọi là Position
trader) sẽ giữ lệnh rất lâu, thường duy trì ở mức “Daily” hoặc
“Weekly”. Một số trader còn giữ lệnh bằng tháng, thậm chí bằng năm. Với
kỳ vọng thị trường sẽ tiếp tục xu hướng dài hạn để kiếm được lợi nhuận
1.2 Ưu nhược điểm của Position Trading
- Ưu điểm:
• Do khung thời gian giao dịch kéo dài nên các trader thường không mất quá nhiều thời gian thực hiện giao dịch.
Giúp cho các trader giảm bớt căng thẳng khi giao dịch vì họ không cần
quá chú tâm đến những biến động về giá trong khoảng thời gian ngắn.
• Tỷ lệ Risk:Reward (R:R) khá tốt vì các trader có thể dựa vào các yếu tố cơ bản để vào lệnh sớm hơn.
• Do số lệnh ra vào ít nên position trader sẽ tốn ít chi phí cho spread.
- Nhược điểm:
• Khi sử dụng Position Trading, các trader cần phải có những hiểu biết nhất định về phân tích cơ bản.
• Các nhà đầu tư cần có một số vốn lớn mới có thể sử dụng Position Trading hiệu quả.
Khối lượng mỗi khi vào lệnh thường khá lớn, nếu lệnh đi trái với nhận
định ban đầu có thể sẽ gây rủi ro lớn và thua lỗ nặng nề.
2. Phong cách giao dịch Swing Trading
2.1 Khái niêm Swing Trading
Trading là một trường phái giao dịch thu lại lợi nhuận từ việc tập
trung vào những đoạn thay đổi xu hướng trong Hành Động Giá ở những khung
thời gian ngắn. Swing Trader sẽ cố gắng bắt đỉnh đảo chiều đỉnh và đáy
trong thị trường. Khoảng thời gian giữ lệnh khoảng từ 1 – 6 ngày, có thể
lên đến vài tuần nếu giao dịch Swing đó có tìm năng lợi nhuận.
thiểu rủi ro bất thường xảy ra. Thị trường tài chính luôn biến động hàng
ngày. Việc giao dịch trong ngày sẽ làm giảm thiểu rủi ro do các ảnh
hưởng về các sự kiện tin tức diễn ra. Tuy nhiên bạn cũng nên cần phải
cẩn trọng trong việc giao dịch theo tin vì ảnh hưởng của các tin tức
thường sẽ diễn ra trong một vài ngày
• Lợi nhuận thu về ổn định,
chắc chắn. Vì đặc điểm của Day trading là kiếm lời trong ngắn hạn, nên
các nhà giao dịch có thể tổng kết luôn được lợi nhuận thu về trong ngày
là bao nhiêu và đặc biệt là có thể tích lũy nhanh trong ngắn hạn.
- Nhược điểm:
Việc phải thường xuyên theo dõi thị trường trong ngày liên tục đã gây
ảnh hưởng không nhỏ đến cuộc sống của một số trader, dễ mang đến sự căng
thẳng vì mỗi lệnh sẽ có thời gian giữ lâu hơn.
• Cần một số vốn
lớn. Do đặc điểm của phương pháp Day Trading là kiếm lời trong ngắn hạn,
kiếm những khoản lợi nhuận nhỏ từ nhiều lệnh lại với nhau. Vì thế, các
trader cần phải có 1 số vốn kha khá mới có được khoản lợi nhuận hấp dẫn
nhờ “tích tiểu thành đại.”
4. Phong cách giao dịch Scalp Trading
4.1 Khái niệm Scalp Trading
dịch lướt sóng (Scalping) là một chiến lược giao dịch yêu cầu trader
thực hiện nhiều giao dịch, tìm cách chốt lợi nhuận nhỏ trong khung thời
gian cực ngắn.
Ví dụ: một scalper có thể tìm cách kiếm lợi nhuận từ
biến động một hoặc hai pip trong EUR/USD trong khoảng thời gian chỉ 30
USD/CAD to sckyrocket to 1.25 by end-2021
loonie takes the top spot on the leaderboard by a wide margin for
performance against the greenback so far this year, as its up by over
5%. According to economists at CIBC Capital Markets, CAD is reaching an
inflection point, as its shine will be dulled by an expected relative
outperformance in the US economy ahead.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
The Bank of Canada is likely to be less newsworthy than the Fed
of the key forces behind that trend don‘t look to have staying power,
and we, therefore, maintain our call for a weaker CAD to end the year.
But we’ve tempered the degree of softness in line with recent
appreciation and a somewhat firmer range for oil this year, and we look
for USD/CAD to end 2021 at 1.25.”
“The expected depreciation ahead
will initially come from a more hawkish tone from the Fed. That might
not begin to play out for a month or two, but by September, with enough
job gains in the books, we see US central bankers announcing an
impending tapering for early 2022.”
“The loonie will also have its
wings clipped as the resource price rally loses steam in 2022. The OPEC+
countries have remained a bit more reticent than we expected in terms
of unleashing supply, and Irans status is not yet clear. While that has
eased some of the cap on crude oil prices, we still expect supply to
come on board from these countries to prevent a further, sustained crude
appreciation in the next couple of years.”
“The return of
international travel, where Canada runs a large services trade deficit,
will also weigh on the loonie, as part of an overall move that swings
Canadas current account surplus back into deficit.”
XAU/USD bounce to $1,870 stays doubtful ahead of US NFP
Gold (XAU/USD) remains on the back foot, down 0.15% intraday around
$1,870, heading into Fridays European open. The yellow metal slumped the
most since late February the previous day as the US dollar benefited
from the risk-off mood. However, the pre-NFP cautious sentiment seems to
tease the gold bears of late.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
A triple attack day…
dollar index (DXY), a gauge of the greenback versus six major
currencies, marked the biggest daily gains in three weeks on Thursday as
market participants gathered clues of Fed tapering. Although US ADP
Employment Change and ISM Services PMI mostly chattered, the Federal
Reserves (Fed) scaling back of portfolio sales, the key program used to
support the economy throughout the pandemic was the hidden catalyst
favoring the tapering woes.
Given the jump in fears of the Feds
dialing back of the easy money, market players rushed to safe-havens,
like the US dollar and Treasury bond, which in turn negatively affect
gold prices.
It‘s worth noting that the Asian session updates
suggesting the US extension of the ban on Chinese companies and the
arrest of a Hong Kong activist also added to the risk-off mood. However,
the pre-NFP trading lull tames the market’s reaction to the news.
Additionally, covid variant fears and talks over the global tax hike
plans, backed by the US, also keep gold traders troubled.
stock futures and Treasury yields are directionless but the DXY remains
on the front foot near the three-week top by the press time. The same
keeps confusing gold traders around the key support line.
forward, the US Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) isn‘t the only catalyst to watch
as a speech from US President Joe Biden and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell
add filters to the market’s directions, as well as gold prices. Although
upbeat expectations from NFP may keep gold sellers hopeful, Biden and
Powell pose risk to the further downside.
During the weekend, the
first face-to-face meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers in London will be
the key to watch as the EU and the UK want changes to Bidens proposal
of a tax hike on bid corporations.
Technical analysis
corrective pullback from a two-month-old ascending support line needs to
cross a 12-day-old horizontal hurdle surrounding $1,890 before the
buyers could check for return.
Even so, the $1,900 threshold and the latest peak surrounding $1,917, will ask for gate passes from gold bulls.
the contrary, the strongest bearish MACD in three months and a downward
sloping Momentum line, not oversold, suggest further weakness of gold
However, a clear break of $1,855, followed by the 200-day
SMA level of $1,841, becomes necessary for the gold bears to keep the
Hence, golds movement between $1,890 and $1,841 becomes less convincing of any trend.
Multi-Week Trading Range Coming Under Pressure
continues to hold a small bid despite fears that the UK re-opening on
June 21 may be pushed back due to covid-19 variant concerns. The FX
market, in general, is subdued ahead of tomorrows US jobs report, and
more broadly as traders find volatility in other markets. While breakout
markets are more enticing for short-term, volatility-biased traders,
trading ranges can also attractive trading opportunities with less risk
involved. EUR/GBP is one of these ranging markets, stuck in a 1.6 point
range over the last two months, and has offered repeated trading
opportunities. Range traders should be aware however that the lower
bound of the range is now coming under pressure, although support has so
far held repeated breakthrough attempts.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
daily chart shows that a 0.8560 – 0.8720 range has held for the last
two months with resistance holding firm despite a handful of attempts to
break higher. The general trend in the last month shows the pair
trading in the lower half of the range and this suggests another attempt
at support is likely. The three simple moving averages also suggest
that EUR/GBP may move further lower, especially as the 50-dsma is now
capping any short-term upside. A confirmed break of support will leave
0.8500 vulnerable.
Retail trader data show 57.73% of traders are net-long with the ratio
of traders long to short at 1.37 to 1.The number of traders net-long is
5.49% higher than yesterday and 10.18% lower from last week, while the
number of traders net-short is 9.22% lower than yesterday and unchanged
from last week.
We typically take a contrarian view to crowd
sentiment, and the fact traders are net-long suggests EUR/GBP prices may
continue to fall. Positioning is more net-long than yesterday but less
net-long from last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent
changes gives us a further mixed EUR/GBP trading bias.
Emeramide (OSR,BDTH2)
Description of Emeramide (NBMI,OSR):
1) Emeramide (NBMI,OSR) is a mercury chelator and other heavy metal chelator and an antioxidant, and the molecule consists of two thiol groups and linked via a pair of amide groups.To get more news about NBMI, you can visit fandachem.com official website.
2) Emeramide (NBMI,OSR) can be used to chelate heavy metals, especially Mercury, Lead and Cadmium. It is used as prevention and Treatment of Mercury toxicity and other Heavy Metal toxicity including Lead toxicity and Cadmium toxicity with Emeramide (NBMI,OSR,BDTH2) in the EU and USA. So it is widely used as very effective treatment of Mercury Poisoning and other Heavy Metal Toxicity,especially Lead and Cadmium.
3) Emeramide (NBMI,OSR) will easily Detox Mercury From the Body Naturally. (Mercury Detox).
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Heavy Metal Poisoning Pipeline Review, H2 2020
Pipeline Review, H2 2020, provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicology), complete with analysis by stage of development, drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. The guide covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.To get more news about Buy emeramide, you can visit fandachem.com official website.
The Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicology) pipeline guide also reviews of key players involved in therapeutic development for Heavy Metal Poisoning and features dormant and discontinued projects. The guide covers therapeutics under Development by Companies /Universities /Institutes, the molecules developed by Companies in Phase II, IND/CTA Filed and Preclinical stages are 1, 1 and 4 respectively. Similarly, the Universities portfolio in Preclinical and Discovery stages comprises 1 and 1 molecules, respectively.
Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicology) pipeline guide helps in
identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their
portfolios, enhances decision making capabilities and helps to create
effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage.
Reasons to Buy
Procure strategically important competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D strategies.
emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create
effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage.
Find and recognize significant and varied types of therapeutics under development for Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicology).
Classify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic.
Develop tactical initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies.
Plan mergers and acquisitions meritoriously by identifying key players and it's most promising pipeline therapeutics.
corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Heavy Metal
Poisoning (Toxicology) pipeline depth and focus of Indication
Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing
strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive
projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope.
the therapeutic portfolio by recognizing discontinued projects and
understand from the know-how what drove them from pipeline.
波蘭農業部長上週五表示,河狸可能是一種很好的食物來源,此前他曾開玩笑說,河狸尾巴的壯陽特性可能會鼓勵波蘭人吃河狸,這激怒了動物權利活動人士。To get more news about 日本藤素正品, you can visit homll.com official website.
簡·阿爾達諾夫斯基(Jan Ardanowski)5月份在概述允許食用海狸和歐洲野牛以鼓勵獵殺動物以控制數量的計畫時,對尾巴做了一番開玩笑的評論。上周,他的言論才被廣泛報導。
“這是他(阿達諾夫斯基)反抗自然的又一步,”來自綠色和平組織的Krzysztof Cibor說在我們看來,這是完全不負責任的。”