5 techniques de trading qui vous permettent un succès facile !
WikiFX (lundi 17 mai 2021) - Il est très facile d'apprendre les
techniques de trading et il en existe beaucoup de ressources. Cependant,
les logiques de trading restent difficiles. Dans cet article, on vous
présente 5 principes principaux de trading, afin de vous diriger vers la
direction de trading correcte.To get more news about trading, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
1. Se défendre
des règles sportives est également applicable dans le trading :
L‘attaque est la meilleur défense. Cela veut dire qu’il ne faudra passer
à des transactions qu‘une fois que des conditions favorables auront
surgi ; Lors d’autres cas, protégez vos fonds et restez à l'écart du
2. Eviter trop d'ingérences
Les lectures des
graphiques et la surveuillance des positions sans cesse ne pourront que
mettre des obstables au trading. Le vrai principe de trading est de
suivre votre plan de trading, en ajustant bien votre mentalité.
3. Jeter des coups dœil sur les risques
vous mettiez trop de risques dans le trading, ils pourraient vous
rendre plus nerveux; Si vous constatez que vous avez du mal à bien
dormir, cela signifiera que votre niveau de risque de trading sera trop
élévé. Il vous faudra ajuster vos positions et le capital investi dans
le trading dès que possible.
4. Contrôler soi-même
émotionnelle est la plus grande piège dans le trading. Dans les cas
pessimistes, il est difficile de transmettre de bonnes occasions à de
bons résultats. Par conséquent, il faut oublier vos-même dans le
trading, et il n’y a aucun besoin de montrer vos personnalités.
5. Avoir plus de facteurs de soutien
d'éléments de soutien d'une transaction, plus de possibilité pour faire
fortune. Si vous pouvez trouver des tendances, des lignes de niveau, et
de divers points de signal, vous n'aurez plus peur de faire de
mauvaises transactions.
Toutes les expériences réelles des traders
professionnels pendant 20 ans, se trouvent dans l'APP WikiFX ! Cliquez
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Tolong Diperhatikan, Dogecoin Hanya Ajang 'Pompom' & FOMO
soal investasi di aset kripto sedang menjadi topik perbincangan hangat
dan belakangan Dogecoin jadi salah satu yang ramai. Salah satu artikel
di The Motley Fool secara khusus menulis soal Dogecoin.
tulisan ini, secara umum disebutkan bahwa dalam jangka yang sangat
panjang, mungkin tidak ada sarana investasi yang lebih menguntungkan
daripada pasar saham. Meskipun ada periode di mana investasi di
komoditas seperti emas bisa mengungguli investasi pasar keuangan yang
lebih luas, tapi pasar saham masih lebih baik dalam hal menghasilkan
return yang paling konsisten dan kuat.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, mata uang kripto mulai bermain di
instrumen investasi, tentunya sangat berbeda dengan instrumen investasi
Pada saat itu, beberapa pelaku pasar yang memulai
berinvestasi di aset kripto telah menyaksikan bahwa mata uang digital
menghasilkan profit tinggi seperti Bitcoin yang telah meroket dari di
bawah US$ 1 menjadi sekitar US$ 54.000 per coinnya, pada Selasa
Meskipun ada tiga kejadian aksi ambil untung selama
dekade terakhir, Bitcoin masih memiliki tingkat return tahunan yang bila
dirata-ratakan masih dalam tiga digit.
Namun, kini bukan lagi
Bitcoin yang dapat menarik sebagian besar perhatian investor. Kripto
yang kini menjadi 'seksi' adalah Dogecoin.
Pada Selasa (4/5/2021)
lalu, Dogecoin melesat melewati level tertinggi sepanjang masa
sebelumnya di US$ 0,44, menetapkan kurang dari dua minggu sebelumnya,
dan mendorong ke atas level US$ 0,60, walaupun hanya sementara.
itu mungkin tidak mempengaruhi banyak secara nominal, tetapi hal itu
dapat mendongkrak kapitalisasi pasar Dogecoin yang kini mencapai US$ 78
Euforia di Dogecoin tampaknya berkisar pada biaya
transaksinya yang jauh lebih rendah dari dua kripto terbesar (Bitcoin
dan Ethereum), dan tentunya meningkatkan kepercayaan investor bahwa
Dogecoin memiliki “komunitas terbaik”.
Menurut The Motley Fool,
Dogecoin terlihat memang sedang di pump and dump dengan cara yang klasik
dan terbuka di depan mata para investornya. Jika Anda bertanya-tanya
mengapa Motley Fool sangat skeptis terhadap Dogecoin, berikut beberapa
Biayanya bukan yang terendah, penggemar di Dogecoin suka
menunjukkan biaya transaksinya yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
Bitcoin dan Ethereum, tetapi gagal menyebutkan bahwa kripto lainnya
seperti Nano, Stellar, Dash, Litecoin, dan Ripple semuanya menawarkan
biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah dari Dogecoin.
Bukan jaringan
yang paling efisien, untuk menambah yang di atas, Nano, Stellar, Dash,
dan Ripple juga memvalidasi dan menyelesaikan pembayaran lebih cepat
daripada Dogecoin.
Jumlah yang sangat terbatas, sebagian besar
bisnis tidak menerima cryptocurrency. Tetapi setelah delapan tahun,
Dogecoin berhasil menyelesaikan hanya 1.300 bisnis di seluruh dunia yang
akan menerimanya sebagai pembayaran. Berdasarkan perkiraan 582 juta
pengusaha di seluruh dunia, Dogecoin diterima oleh 0,000223% dari semua
bisnis. Sehingga jumlah aset yang ada tidak terlalu meyakinkan.
yang sedang berlangsung, sekitar 5,26 miliar Dogecoin baru dibuat
setiap tahun melalui block reward yang dibayarkan kepada penambang. Pada
tahun 2021, hal ini menghasilkan inflasi koin yang luar biasa, sedikit
di atas 4%. Sudah lebih dari satu dekade sejak tingkat inflasi AS
mencapai 4%.
Digerakan oleh tweet, katalis utama Dogecoin adalah
tweet dari CEO Tesla Elon Musk. Bayangkan tesis investasi inti Anda
didasarkan pada harapan tweet Elon Musk hari ini atau ketika ia
menyebutkan Dogecoin di Saturday Night Live.
Historikal adalah
musuhnya, singkatnya, semua investasi besar berikutnya yang telah
menjadi parabola dalam harga selalu meledak.
Hal inilah yang
menjadikan bahwa kenaikan Dogecoin murni karena adanya faktor 'pom-pom'
dan juga sikap investor yang juga dapat disebut FOMO (fear of missing
out) atau dapat diartikan dengan 'ga mau ketinggalan momen'.
dapat dikatakan, daripada anda menggunakan uang untuk lelucon belaka,
lebih baik uang anda digunakan untuk membeli saham yang memiliki outlook
yang nyata dan tentunya memiliki fundamental yang baik serta memilih
perusahaan yang dapat menggerakan roda kehidupan masyarakat.
quá trình tìm hiểu các phương pháp phân tích kỹ thuật hay tìm các chỉ
báo giúp xây dựng chiến lược giao dịch hiệu quả, hẳn bạn đã từng thắc
mắc “Bollinger Bands là gì?” và “tại sao nó trở nên vô cùng phổ biến?”
khi bạn thấy có rất nhiều các trader đang sử dụng chỉ báo này cho công
việc giao dịch của mình.To get more news about bollinger bands là gì, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
thực chất Bollinger Bands là gì? Ý nghĩa các thông số của Bollinger
Bands như thế nào? Và làm sao để xây dựng chiến lược giao dịch với
Bollinger Bands một cách hiệu quả nhất? ….
Được phát triển bởi John
Bollinger, Bollinger Bands là 1 chỉ báo có cấu tạo bằng 3 dải băng, dựa
trên công thức tính đường trung bình động giản đơn (SMA) từ đó xem xét
mức độ biến động của giá cả. Độ biến động dựa trên độ lệch chuẩn, được
thay đổi khi độ biến động tăng và giảm. Các dải tự động mở rộng khi biến
động tăng và thu hẹp lại khi biến động giảm.
3. Hướng dẫn giao dịch với Bollinger Bands
pháp giao dịch phổ biến mà nhiều trader hay áp dụng nhất đó chính là
giao dịch Bollinger Bands theo dạng nút thắt cổ chai. Ngoài ra cha đẻ
của chỉ báo đồng thời cũng là 1 trader chuyên phân tích trên CNBC có gợi
ý rằng nên kết hợp Bollinger Bands và RSI.
3.1 Giao dịch Bollinger Bands khi giá chạm dải băng trên và dải băng dưới
Đây có thể xem là cách đơn giản nhất, do giá dao động quanh 2 dải gồm dải trên và dải dưới nên công thức giao dịch sẽ chỉ là:
3.2 Giao dịch Bollinger Bands theo dạng nút thắt cổ chai
có kinh nghiệm thường gọi phương pháp giao dịch Bollinger Bands Squeeze
với một cái tên dễ nhớ hơn, đó là nút thắt cổ chai. Hiện tượng này xảy
ra khi mà biến động giá giảm xuống thấp và dải Bollinger Band bị thu hẹp
lại trông có hình thù như chiếc cổ chai. Đây là cảnh báo cho một biến
động giá mạnh sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai gần. Thông thường, sau khi bung
khỏi cổ chai giá sẽ bám vào dải trên hoặc là dải dưới để đi tiếp. Việc
bạn cần làm lúc này đơn giản là đặt Buy stop và Sell Stop ở hai đầu dải
trên dải dưới của Bollinger Band. Vậy thì giá có bung hướng nào bạn cũng
có thể khớp lệnh.
3.3 Bollinger Bands kết hợp RSI
Relative Strength Index (chỉ số sức mạnh tương quan) là một chỉ báo quen
thuộc. Tuy nhiên phương pháp giao dịch kết hợp Bollinger với RSI có vẻ
còn khá lạ lẫm với nhiều người.
Trong phân tích kỹ thuật, RSI được xem là chỉ báo sớm, cung cấp tín hiệu cảnh báo trước khi xu hướng thật sự đảo chiều.
Band thì như chúng ta đã biết đo lường sự biến động của giá. Nhưng
trong trường hợp này, dải Bollinger Band lại được dùng để đo lường sự
biến động của chỉ báo RSI. Nếu RSI vượt qua dải dưới và quay trở lại vào
bên trong thì đó là vùng quá bán. Nếu RSI vượt ra ngoài dải trên của
Bollinger Band rồi quay ngược lại thì đó là vùng quá mua.
*Cảnh báo
rủi ro: Trước khi bắt đầu giao dịch, bạn phải hiểu rõ những rủi ro liên
quan đến các giao dịch sử dụng đòn bẩy và cần phải có kinh nghiệm cần
thiết để làm việc trên thị trường Forex.
Gold Futures: Scope for extra gains
light of flash data from CME Group for Gold futures markets, traders
added around 6.1K contracts to their open interest positions on
Thursday, reaching the second build in a row. Volume, instead, shrunk by
more than 192K contracts, reversing the previous build.To get more news
about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Gold faces the next target at $1,900
continuation of the rally in gold prices was amidst rising open
interest, which remains supportive of extra gains to, initially, the
$1,900 mark per ounce troy, where is located a minor hurdle at a Fibo
retracement of the January-March drop.
US Dollar and Yen May Rise as Meme Stocks, Coins Warn of Market Excess
of market excess began to emerge prior to the 1929 collapse in
financial markets that helped trigger the Great Depression. An old
industry adage- one that has become an embedded platitude in stories of
financial bubbles – states, “When the shoeshine boy gives you stock
tips, sell”.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
principle still appliesin the 21st century, though the occupation and
medium of communication is different. TikTokers and other social media
influencers are the new digital canaries in the financial coal mine.
Fringe assets with no clear-cut fundamental value have surgedduring the
pandemic in large part thanks to their encouragement.
These assets
include – but are certainly not limited to – shares of GameStop,
Bitcoin, and its absurdist descendant Dogecoin. Their spectacular rise
can arguably be attributed to four phenomena [not in order of
relevance]:Trading apps like Robinhood have helped to bring a younger
demographic of traders to the financial fore. While this is not
problematic in and of itself, newer users are often less experienced.
When combined with user-optimized interfaces that make it easier to
trade, this has led to the general gamification of stocks and trading
(i.e. the adoption of a video gaming-like approach to platforms and
services as well as to trading itself).
#2 Growing Interest Among Millennials Engaged in Trading
retail trading was previously associated with an older and more
risk-averse demographic, the new paradigm has come to feel more like a
game. The influx of younger traders who grew up in a more digital world
with these new trading instruments have begun to change the landscape
and nature of trading as a whole.
#3 Memeification of Securities
rush of younger traders has also brought the social zeitgeist with it.
Memes are a key feature of this phenomenon. When memes become associated
with or take on the form of an asset – Dogecoin is a prime example –
the familiarity that this confers, combined with a trading platform
presenting investing in a game-like way, has helped push prices higher.
#4 Ultra-Loose Credit Conditions
the pandemic hit, central banks all over the world turned up the credit
taps full blast in an effort to avoid a credit squeeze and implosion of
the global financial system. While the tsunami of liquidity was met
with open arms as a bulwark against credit stress, it has also allowed
for rampant speculation. At the end of 2020, the tech-leaning Nasdaq was
up over 40 percent and the S&P 500 around 15 percent.
these returns pale in comparison to some of the outliers, as introduced
above. Besides those already mentioned, this also includes shares of
Tesla, whose iconic CEO Elon Musk has helped propel the stock to
astronomical heights.
Below we will explore four rather strange
assets that have attracted acute attention in mainstream media after
initially starting off on the social/financial periphery.
was created on December 6, 2013 as a joke using the famous Shiba Inu
“Doge” meme as the face of the token. For many years it remained a
financial pariah until meme culture began to permeate more mainstream
conversations and began to be promoted by celebrities and influencers.
Its growing popularity came with the new wave of younger, meme-friendly
Between January 1 and May 7 of this year, Dogecoin rose by
a whopping 13,263.9%. Tesla‘s Musk compounded the cryptocurrency’s
gains after tweeting “Doge” and “Dogecoin is the people's crypto”,
sending the digital token up over 60% in one day. What started as a joke
has led to a market cap of close to $100 billion and wider-spread
adoption in retail trade.
Why The Global Chip Shortage Is Set To Get Even Worse
demand continues to rise and Taiwan, the world's biggest chip
manufacturer by far, is now facing three fresh challenges which will
impact everything from cars to phones to fridges. The crisis could also
push global inflation still higherTo get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
happening in Taiwan is impacting the car you buy, the phone you use, in
fact virtually, anything electronic. That's because the country is the
global leader in semiconductor chip production. And there's a worldwide
shortage, a big one. And supply is likely to get even more challenging.
prompted more people to upgrade their technology. The rollout of 5G
networks also led to huge demand. And Taiwan, in particular, is now
facing 3 major issues which could either prompt higher global inflation
or force us to go backwards as far as our technological needs are
Bayern Munich 21/22 Away Shirt Leaks Online
Leaked football kits news for Bayern Munich fans. The reigning European champions will don a black and gold kit away from the Allianz Arena next season, per Footy Headlines. The prominent football news outlet has dropped several photos of the shirt. Get more news about Cheap Soccer Windbreaker,you can vist futbolucl.com!
The kit shares a lot of similarity with the Barcelona away shirt for the 2020/21 season. There is a dash of grey towards the lower section of the shirt. Other than that, the shirt is predominantly black. The sleeve calves, shoulder stripes, sponsor logos are all golden in colour.
Black and gold is not a usual colourway for Bayern Munich shirts. But, the primary response to the kit has been vastly positive. Most Bayern Munich fans appreciated the simple scheme of the shirt. The 21/22 Bayern Munich jerseys will be manufactured by Adidas.
Liverpool 21/22 Kit Leaks Online
Leaked football kit news update for Liverpool fans! Liverpool is heading into the second year of their Nike kit contract and now we have seen what they have in store for the Merseyside giants next season. Pictures of the 21/22 Liverpool home kit has leaked on social media. Get more news about Replica Soccer Jersey,you can vist futbolucl.com!
Nike stuck to the basic while designing the Liverpool home kit for the current season. But, the leaked photos reveal that they have taken a more creative route designing the upcoming home kit for the All Reds.
The classic red returns as the base colour of the shirt. This season, the shirt is plain red other than the cuffs, logos, and collars. The new shirt will have subtle orange lines in slight zig-zag patterns across the shirt. The sponsorship logos and the club badge will remain white. Orange will also appear on the cuffs and collars.
Liverpool are yet to validate the photos. However, credible football kit news sources report that Liverpool will wear the new jersey in their final home match of the season on May 23.
Worldwide Metal Stamping Industry to 2025
The "Metal Stamping Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2020-2025" report has been added to offering.To get more news about deep draw metal stamping, you can visit tenral.com official website.
The global metal stamping market grew at a CAGR of around 3% during 2014-2019. Metal stamping can be defined as the process of using stamping presses to convert flat metal sheets into desired shapes. The process involves various complex metal forming techniques, such as blanking, punching, bending and piercing. Some of the most common types of metal stamping machines include mechanical, hydraulic and mechanical servo machines that are fitted with multiple dies to cut and shape the sheets of stainless steel and metals, such as aluminum, zinc and copper. In comparison to the traditionally used metal forming processes, these machines have lower production costs and can create large quantities of identical metal components at the same time.
A significant increase in the production rate of consumer electronics is one of the key factors driving the growth of the market. Metal stamping is used for producing metal frames that are used in mobile phones, headphones, speakers, gamepads and controllers. Furthermore, widespread adoption of the bending process across industries to improve the stability, durability and quality of the products is also providing a boost to the market growth. For instance, metal stamping is widely utilized in the aerospace industry to manufacture frames and channels that are used in ultra-lightweight aircraft.
Additionally, the development of technologically advanced stamping methods, such as the computer-aided design (CAD) processes, is acting as another growth-inducing factor. These advancements enable the shaping of metal parts through highly precise and accurate computer-generated drawings. Other factors, including rapid industrialization, the advent of 3D printing technology and additive fabrication, and extensive research and development (R&D) activities, are projected to drive the market further. Looking forward, the publisher expects the market to witness stable growth during the forecast period (2020-2025).