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Crafting allows you to get new gear in The Elder Scrolls Online without needing to hunt for it in dungeons or whilst adventuring out in Tamriel. This guide will cover the seven different crafting professions in The Elder Scrolls Online, including what they can make and which resources they use. We will also cover Inspiration, which is what you need to level up your crafting professions, and how to level up each skill quickly.Crafting is a core part of The Elder Scrolls Online. You can certainly choose to avoid it — but you’ll be missing out on a lot of Elder Scrolls Online Gold and tons of great gear. It’s also a great way to keep your equipment up to date and recycle unwanted loot.

Crafting skill lines in ESO

No matter what you’re interested in making, ESO gives you the ability to make it. From heavy armor and helms to mage robes and potions, here are the different crafting skill lines in The Elder Scrolls Online — along with the items they’ll let you create:

Alchemy: Craft poisons and potions using natural resources found throughout Tamriel.

Blacksmithing: Use ore to forge ingots, then use your ingots to create blades, armor, and other metal-based items.

Clothing: Combine different types of cloth and fibers to weave together new Light and Medium armor.

Enchanting: Craft glyphs that are capable of enchanting armor and weapons by combining runes gathered in the wild.

Provisioning: Cook up a meal or brew a beverage using ingredients gathered — or stolen — from your surroundings.

Woodworking: Carve staves, bows, shields, and furniture using a variety of woods and resins.

Farming Character Optimization

The best option would be creating a character that is optimized for crafting and farming. Therefore you will not need to spend any skill points on your main character for crafting. Lets calculate how much skill points you would need if you really want to have all crafting related skill lines maxed out.

Alchemy: 20

Blacksmithing: 25

Clothing: 25

Enchanting: 21

Jewelry Crafting: 17

Provisioning: 23

Woodworking: 25

Items Quality and Upgrading

Each item in Elder Scrolls Online has different “quality”. You can identify the quality by the color of the name. The lowest quality is Normal – white title, and the highest quality is Legendary – yellow title. Legendary items are rare, strong and are very expensive.

You can create items with different quality. For example provisioner can use recipes with different quality and thus produce food with different quality. An Enchanter can also create runes with different quality by using different rune stones.

Blacksmithing, Clothing and Woodworkilng allows you to improve items increasing their quality. That's not about crafted items only. You can upgrade any item you find in the game. For example a Woodworker can increase quality of any bow. Upgrading process will increase its characteristics. The greatest thing about this is that it’s possible to improve any gear you find.

Crafting Certifications

To get certified in the base game crafting professions you will need to go to the starter city for your faction and find the master crafters, Millenith in the fighters guild and Danel Tellano in the mages guild.

Each crafter will give you three missions which you will need to complete one at a time. Each mission will certify you in one of the crafts, and once you have completed all six missions you will be able to do daily writs from the boards found in any major city.

For jewelry crafting you will need to find Felarian near the crafting area in Alinor in Summerset.

You can also learn more about crafting in this guide. It contains more detailed guide for every profession, tricks to leveling them up quickly, efficient builds for crafters and maps with resource gathering routes. More information please visit , igmeet is a professional seller selling MMO currency. All orders are backed by professional suppliers and representatives, and that is why it is people's go-to place to Buy ESO Gold  , items, and level boosting for ESO.

Welcome to ESO Gold Farming Guide 2023. In this guide, you will learn how to make Elder Scrolls Online Gold quickly whilst crafting, gathering, trading, looting, stealing and so on. All of which are perfectly lucrative opportunities for the average ESO player, especially those without spare game time. With this guide, we aim to help you optimize your Gold farming methods, so that you have more time for fun in-game activities, and don’t feel burned out after hours of farming. After reading this guide, you will never worry about having enough ESO Gold again.

Movement Speed and Riding

The build shown above will max your movement speed on foot, but having a fast horse or mount can also be beneficial to making more gold. Visit the stable to increase the speed of your mount.

Farming Chests

Opening chests is a great way to get jewelry from areas without Dark Anchors or other similar World events. Valuable rings and necklaces from sets like Briarheart or Bright-Throat's Boast can be found like this.

Fortune's Favor and Treasure Hunter stars within the Craft constellation can help you make even more gold with this method. The Keen Eye: Treasure Chests passive from Excavation line is also helpful because it allows you to spot chests faster.

Highest Selling Materials

The highest-selling golden materials are Chromium Grains and Platings. Current averages on PC show Chromium Grains selling for well above 30K apiece, and Chromium Platings selling for 300K apiece. You can make some solid money this way!

The runner-up is the Clothing golden material, Dreugh Wax, which sell for around 19K apiece. Tempering Alloy (Blacksmithing) sells for around 10K per, and Rosin (Woodworking) sells for around 4K per.

Note that crafting materials have been steadily increasing with time. Be sure to check the regular going price for your materials before selling them on a guild trader!

Join Guilds

Even if you are new to ESO, you have probably seen people that are recruiting for trading guilds. In ESO instead of a centralized auction house or AH, players use guilds to set up merchants around the world to sell their goods. Only members of the guild that employs the specific merchant can sell their goods there.

Dungeons with Expensive Sets

Dolmens themselves aren’t wildly lucrative outside XP gain — even gold-wise, they’re just so-so. That said, you’re guaranteed a jewelry drop every time you loot the treasure chest after the dolmen is destroyed. You’ll mostly get cheap Green or Blue rarity jewelry, but some Purple jewelry can sell for tens of thousands.

Here are some examples of sets with expensive jewelry that you can get from dolmens:

Deshaan’s Mother’s Sorrow set

Bangkorai’s Spriggan’s set

Malabal Tor’s Spinner’s set

Rivenspire’s Necropotence set

These zones don’t have the most user-friendly proximity to wayshrines, but you can still get them done quickly with practice.


PvP can actually be a good source for gold. Simply trade your Alliance Points for items that you can sell for gold. Here are merchants that you can buy items from for AP and sell for gold: Adhazabi Aba-daro the Golden, Elite Vendors in Vlastarus, Bruma and Cropsford, Battleground Vendors.

Farming Enemies

This is a way to get gold while earning experience. You'll want to farm in the areas with groups of Humanoid enemies (Humans and Elves, etc.) to make gold while leveling up.

Humanoid enemies carry more gold on them (more pockets), so it is better to focus on that type. Some great areas for this method include the Vile Manse, Obsidian Scar, and Razak's Whell Public Dungeons.

With any one of these strategies, you are well on your way to getting rich in Elder Scrolls Online. Don’t worry if some of them don’t work right away; sometimes, the best money-making strategy is patience. is a professional seller selling MMO currency. IGMEET is your best option whether you are looking for in-game currencies of a large number of popular games or Buy ESO Gold

There are several ways of making Gold in ESO. While you can earn gold when casually exploring, questing or clearing dungeons and delves this is not very effective. There are other better, dedicated ways to make Elder Scrolls Online Gold that can help you become rich fast. All of these methods are easy to complete Solo!

Farming Chests for Gold

Similar method to the previous one but this time you are running around opening chests instead of killing enemies. After you have identified the items you want to get, visit the appropriate area and start looking around for chests to open. In areas without Dark Anchors or other World Events, this is also the only way to get valuable jewelry from Sets like Briarheart or Bright-Throat’s Boast.

Addons that reveal chests locations are helpful for this method. To be truly effective you should also unlock the Treasure Hunter and Fortune’s Favor Champion Points Skills. The Keen Eye: Treasure Chests Passive from the Excavation(Antiquities)Skill-line will help you notice chests easier.

Harvest, Mine and Collect all Resources

Not going to craft? That's fine, but you should still collect those resources you see laying around. You can turn them into vendors for moderate amounts of money, or even better, try to sell it to other players. Other players will surely be trying to craft items, and they will always be in search of materials to do so. If you can find one of these players, you might be able to offload all your items for a greater price, or even establish a working relationship, as they can make you things in exchange for you bringing in the base material.


If you were considering crafting as a way to make gold, you were in the right mindset. You just need to know what to craft. Lately I've discovered that alchemy and provisioning are incredibly high-yield professions and so is furniture crafting. Heck, you can sell a lot of furniture pieces for thousands of gold per unit, you just need the skill. And by skill, I mean skill points invested into CP, and knowing where and how to get your hands on furniture recipes.

How to Make Gold with Stealing

Stealing in ESO is not only fun to do but also one of the best ways to find valuable Motifs and Blueprints. Your real profit from stealing comes from the stolen items you fence but also from the items you launder and sell later for gold. Sell only the most valuable items to a Fence for a better profit. Visiting newer zones is better for making Gold. To be truly effective you will have to invest time and advance a few skill lines, like Thieves Guild, Legerdemain and Vampire.

The use of a dedicated Thief character will help you make a lot more gold from stealing. If you are interesting in playing as a Thief in ESO you can take a look at my Cloak and Dagger Thief Build.


The second step is materials. This is the most tedious part of this method. But, I also have a bit of fun while doing it. You need to purchase the materials to make the item you plan for crafting.

For the Jewels of Misrule, I need to get one Rose, one Mint, one Lotus, one Columbine and one Bervez Juice. This is where the journey begins. You travel all around Tamriel, visiting Guild Traders and purchasing the materials that you’re looking for.

Once you have a good idea of what the materials cost, you can set a maximum buy price for yourself. This will be your indicator of how much you can profit and you never want to purchase anything over what you set it at. Otherwise, you’re losing your profits.

Flipping Goods

The player economy in Elder Scrolls Online is where the real gold can be made. Unfortunately, ESO makes it more difficult than other MMORPGs with their complete lack of a centralized marketplace. Rather, player-to-player trading occurs within guilds. Each member of a guild can post up to 30 listings of individual items or stacks of items in their Guild Store, which is only accessible to other guild members. If a Guild wants to sell their items to Skyrim at large, they have to invest in a Guild Trader – an NPC that any player can approach and buy the Guild’s items from.

If your guild has a Guild Trader, they are bound to a specific location and can only sell items from the guild that’s renting them. Unfortunately, this means that ESO’s player market is incredibly chaotic and filled with inconsistent prices. This doesn’t mean its impossible to make a good living in the player market, it just means you need a solid strategy.

The first step is to seek out Guilds who already have a dedicated Trader. Ideally, you should find yourself 5 Guilds that operate in distinct parts of Skyrim to fill your Guild Slots. You’ll start noticing that some Guild Traders have larger inventories than others, and that’s because renting a Guild Trader is based on a blind bid system. Wealthier Guilds can afford the risk of bidding higher stacks of gold to rent the Traders that get the most traffic and thus make more capital. You’ll want to get into the most prestigious Guilds that you can for this method to work.

Next, go shopping: find items that other players have listed for below their average global value (there are addons for this part, we’ll get to those). Buy them and resell them with a markup in your Guild Store. DO NOT flip items inside of your own Guilds; many trading Guilds are run by money-minded people who will not take kindly to you messing around with their inventory.

Gold with Fishing

Fishing is another way of making gold in ESO. This method requires patience and luck. Gold from fishing comes mainly from Perfect Roe, a provisioning material, that you get if you are lucky after filleting the fish you have caught. Perfect Roe is rather rare so follow this method only if you want to relax or are after some fishing achievements.

Create a MarketESO, as we have established, is about the trade of items. A tough, but profitable way to make money is to manipulate the market. It can be a little underhanded, but you can also potentially make a fortune. The basic idea, is for you to buy up mass quantities of any one item, iron ore for example. If you own the majority of the ore in the game, then you can set the price higher, and people will be forced to pay it due to ore being so hard to come by, since you bought it all. It is a great way to make money, but you might lose a friend or two in the process!

With any one of these strategies, you are well on your way to getting rich in Elder Scrolls Online. Don’t worry if some of them don’t work right away; sometimes, the best money-making strategy is patience. is a professional seller selling MMO currency. IGMEET is your best option whether you are looking for in-game currencies of a large number of popular games or Buy ESO Gold