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What is cord blood?

Cord blood can be preserved through donation or private storage. Donated cord blood can be used by others, and private storage provides individuals and families with a backup medical resource. Cord blood can be stored for decades and can be withdrawn for treatment when needed. 臍帶血作用Therefore, the storage and use of umbilical cord blood is of great significance to the medical security of individuals and society.

Why store umbilical cord blood?

Cord blood is the wealth of health, and storing it is a wise investment. These stem cells are the guarantee of the baby's future health and provide families with backup medical resources, giving them more confidence when facing health problems.

What are the functions and uses of umbilical cord blood?

Umbilical cord blood is regarded as the frontier of future medical treatment, and the stem cell resources contained in it will provide new directions and possibilities for medical treatment.臍帶血香港 Through stem cell transplantation, regenerative medicine and other technical means, umbilical cord blood can treat a variety of diseases, such as leukemia, anemia, immune system diseases, etc., bringing new treatment options and hope to patients.

What are the advantages of cord blood stem cell therapy over traditional treatments?

The cord blood stem cell treatment process is relatively safe. The collection process of umbilical cord blood is simple and painless, causing no obvious harm to the donor's body. Moreover, large-scale surgery is not required during stem cell transplantation, reducing surgical risks. Therefore, cord blood stem cell therapy is highly safe and suitable for patients of all ages and health conditions.

What is the difference between a private cord blood bank and a public cord blood bank?

The operation of public cord blood banks is usually subject to supervision and laws and regulations by the government or relevant agencies, ensuring the safety and fair use of samples. The operation of private cord blood banks may be more flexible and subject to the management of individuals or private institutions, with relatively few legal and regulatory constraints. Stricter supervision of public cord blood banks will help ensure sample quality and fairness in use, but may also increase operating costs and procedural complexity. The management of private cord blood banks is relatively flexible, but lack of supervision may involve certain risks and uncertainties.

How is cord blood collected and stored?

The storage period of cord blood samples is generally related to their subsequent medical needs and disease treatment. Some diseases may require long-term stem cell treatments, requiring long-term storage of samples. For some diseases that require urgent treatment, short-term storage of samples may be required for emergency use.

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