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Shared warehouse space is beneficial for those who are looking for storage space but cannot occupy all the space. For small scale retailers and ecommerce industry shared warehouses are a boon. It can fit all of your requirements such as storing your products, cost effectiveness, and proper storage area for keeping your products. If you are searching for a warehouse on rental to complete your supply chain needs, you may have some reservations about your product sharing space with other products in the same building. 

In a supply chain, numerous operations are taking place simultaneously. Hence streamlining these operations and coming up with an organizational system is the need of the hour. Anybody knowing about supply chains might be equally aware of the concept of a warehousing facility acting as a distribution center. To complete your supply chain needs, you need warehousing space. Honestly, a lot of us might have reservations about sharing a warehousing space, but its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

Speaking of that, here are a few benefits that come with a shared warehousing space for the logistics and supply chains:

  • Reduces the overall cost: A single, dedicated warehouse demands you to pay the entire cost. But the cost is reduced to a great extent with shared warehousing as the expense is borne by almost all the partners. You only have to pay for your own space and the labor you use.


  • Provides great flexibility in terms of commitment: No matter how good or bad your business is doing; a dedicated warehousing space usually comes with a long-term contract. But a shared warehousing space does not bind one in adamantine chains as it provides great flexibility, sometimes in cases that offer even month-to-month contracts. Again, the agreement can be for a shorter duration (1-3 years) compared to a dedicated single warehousing facility.


  • Access to specific storage facilities: Storage facilities differ from one product to another. For instance, there would be commodities requiring a very specific temperature for their sustenance. Often, the shared warehouses are equipped with special facilities that one can access at a special cost for a certain time period.


  • No separate investment in securing the facility: With a single dedicated facility, the expense of top-notch security is another headache. It’s a lot more expensive as one cannot afford to compromise on the security aspect. But this is not the case with the shared warehousing as they have already invested in high-end security. With multiple layers of security and advanced technology and infrastructure, there is an end-to-end assurance and visibility. You can be assured of your products being in safe hands.


  • Reap the benefits of industry knowledge: With a shared warehousing facility, there comes industry knowledge and experience. 3PL providers know the industry in and out due to their experience of having worked with a dozen of supply chains. Right from moving the products to handling them with care and special attention, they have mastered that art in a way. This knowledge will significantly be passed on to you, benefitting your supply chain methodology in the coming years.

There are a lot of prerogatives that come with shared warehousing space. It is cost-effective, time-saving, and allows the company to focus on its core business with a free mind. It allows the companies to save a hefty amount and also shared warehouses offer flexible leasing terms, which eventually decreases the burden in terms of monetary terms.

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Popularly known as multi-client or public warehouses, the shared warehouse is a concept gaining traction in the world of storage and warehouse management. When you place an order on an e-commerce website, the name of Gurgaon where the shipping process generally takes place as soon as you make an effort to track your package in the track history is not altogether unknown. Replete with so many warehouses, Gurgaon has become one of the leading hubs for the companies opting for shared warehousing services. As a result, a large number of businesses are seen hunting for the best-shared warehousing services in Gurgaon, to maximize their profits.

But what is it that leads them to do so? The answer is the ample benefits that come with a shared warehousing service. So, if you are among those looking for a multi-client warehousing option in Gurgaon, here are the following benefits that you will be entitled to:

  • Cost-effective: Traditional or dedicated warehouses come with hefty costs of their own. This also includes the lease for the building as well as the separate cost of hiring a set of professionals to look after the various processes. However, in shared warehousing space, you only pay for space and labor used by you. Even in the cases of slowing down of supply, you still need to pay the same or fixed monthly cost. Again, sharing helps reduce the cost to a great extent.


  • Automation: With shared warehouses being run with adequate professional help and expert guidance, there are ample opportunities for automation. Thanks to the advent of advanced technology that helps automate processes ensuring high-end visibility and providing extreme transparency at every touchpoint. Again, you do not have to run around micro-managing things which again saves a lot of time.


  • No commitment: With shared warehouses, you are saved from the hassle of undergoing a long-time commitment with longer contracts. There is greater flexibility in terms of contract which is usually on a month-to-month basis. 


  • Improved service: With professional help and a lot of other value-added services, your delivery time and shipping can be improved to a great extent. This provides businesses to study and explore new markets too. By allowing a third party to help you, you can boost your efficiency, get experts’ insights, access analytical tools and software, and acquire tighter control over your inventory. You also stand to maximize your space management. 


  • Adequate staff: With adequate staff strength made available to you, you can boost productivity with professional, experienced, and knowledgeable labor who can help you with storage management with ease.

Warehousing management can be problematic. But thanks to Gurgaon which is replete with so many multi-client and public warehousing options, allowing the businesses to carry on with their progress unhindered!

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Delhi is the national capital and the hub for the tech industry. It provides a thriving ground for warehousing businesses and the logistics sector to grow. A lot of cost-effective warehousing solutions are available across the city providing services like transportation, packing, kitting, and other customizable operations. The Government of India brought out the National Manufacturing Policy with the objective of increasing the share of manufacturing in the GDP to 25%. ‘Make in India’, the government’s national initiative, places great importance on building best in-class manufacturing infrastructure. National Capital Region (NCR) is the gateway to North India and the country’s largest urban agglomeration. 

As per the Knight Frank Report on warehouse in Delhi NCR, currently, NCR’s total requirement for warehousing space is estimated to be 223 mn sq ft, of which more than 80%, or 187 mn sq ft, is from the manufacturing sector. However, the majority of the warehousing requirement of the manufacturing sector is fulfilled by captive space, either in terms of space at the manufacturer’s plant or company-owned warehouses. Although the trend of leasing a warehouse rather than owning it is steadily picking up with the emergence of third-party logistics players (3PL). 

That being said, the shared warehousing facility is quite rampant in the city allowing businesses to share the warehousing space which is way cheaper than the traditional warehousing practice. Hence if you are in Bengaluru and looking to boost your e-commerce business, now is the time to opt for a shared warehouse that comes with ample benefits.

Here are some of the many things to remember while finding for a warehouse:

  • If they cater to special stock requirements or not?

If you are handling the perishable goods that require constant refrigeration? In that case, find out if the warehouse has the potential – or is already equipped – to handle these unique requirements.

Also, make sure your stock will be secured. Hazardous materials, for example, will require special storage zones and secure access. You will also require to check if there is room for safe evacuation if something goes wrong with these products.

  • Is there room to expand in the future?

You don’t want lots of extra space but there needs to be an abundance of room to expand in the future. Take a look at how much can you safely stack your products. You also need room to move around the warehouse safely, too. This includes clear receiving and distribution zones: putting these areas too close together risks confusion in stock and a build-up of pallets in high-traffic areas. 

  • What is the estimated running cost of a warehouse?

Ask how much will it cost to provide heating, air conditioning, refrigeration services, and electricity to your warehouse. As the average running costs vary from city to city, too. Make sure you take this into consideration when finding the perfect location for your warehouse.

  • Location of the warehouse is an important factor

It is great having the perfect warehouse till you realize your staff cannot easily commute to the place. The location of the warehouse is a major factor that how good your business will run as it depends on your staff as your stock. So make sure that your warehouse location and amenities draw talent to your business, too. Free car parking, easy public transport access, and staff break areas are all things you will need to consider before you sign a warehouse lease.

  • Who is looking after warehousing building maintenance?

You are responsible for running the business from the warehouse, and your own equipment, but what about the rest of the amenities and other facilities? Find out exactly what you are responsible for when it comes to building maintenance. All the expenses will affect the success of your business operations, so it is essential you know who handles what.

  • What are the leasing plans?

The longer warehouse leasing plans are more cost-effective and ideal for established businesses investing capital in their own warehouse machinery. However, you may only need short leasing plans or flexible plans while your business grows or to handle seasonal requirements. Find out what the minimum lease is and the terms of payment.

A lot of perks come with shared warehousing right from the appropriate guidance to advanced technology options that can be really cost-effective, saving you money and energy to focus on other significant aspects of your business. Make sure you will keep in mind all the above points and find the answers for these questing before renting a warehouse in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR for your business.

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