anyspaze's blog

Businesses have always struggled with efficient supply chain management. A sorted supply chain consequently leads to the other operations of the businesses becoming smoother. It can get you an advantage over your competitors and increase your customer base by helping you sustain and expand your business.  

The recent changes in the supply chain industry post-covid have brought out the need for innovative solutions for supply chain problems. With on-demand warehousing, companies like Anyspaze are meeting the demands for the booming e-commerce sector and catering to it with custom solutions.  

On-demand warehousing is a third-party service that gets you temporary warehousing best suited for your business’ demand. For example, If you’re a brand that deals in apparel and the demands for your products go high in a particular season, you will require extra storage space for your inventory. With an on-demand warehousing service, you will be able to attain that extra space instantaneously with providers like Anyspaze. In this blog, we will talk about many such supply chain problems and their fix - on-demand warehousing.  

How Can Supply Chain Challenges Be Solved With On-Demand Warehousing?

Let’s take a detailed look at how the following supply chain challenges can be solved with on-demand warehousing:  

Manage Inventory Overflow or Unused Space Better

In the last two years, almost all businesses have dealt with high demand fluctuations because of repeated covid lockdowns. With changing demand, the need for keeping more inventory or getting rid of it arises. And this, in turn, brings supply chain problems.  

In terms of space, businesses can have two problems -  

       ● they need more of it for their inventory overflow  

       ● they want to get rid of the unused space  

With flexible, on-demand warehousing, businesses can easily procure that extra space or get rid of it by sub-leasing it. For example, the apparel industry witnesses a boom in its sales during the festive season. During this time, businesses in this industry require extra warehouse space to meet the demands. At such a time, on-demand warehousing can work as a great cost-effective solution for such businesses.  

Managing seasonal or periodical inventory overflow and shortage of space leads to disruptions in supply chain management. It can even impact the end customer by causing order delays because of inventory management. On-demand warehousing is also a foolproof solution for managing inventory overflow. In case the need for extra storage space arrives, you can get it quickly via on-demand warehousing.

On the other hand, there are some businesses that have to deal with a lot of vacant space in their warehouse, which causes resource wastage. During the last two years, many industries had to keep their warehouses empty because of little to no demand, whereas the pharmaceutical industries were finding a lack of storage space. With the help of companies like Anyspaze, the sub-leasing of warehouse or a portion of it to other interested businesses is possible.  

Choose the Right Location for your Operations  

The problem of having the warehouse at the right location is a common one among businesses as it can affect transportation and shipment costs. Many businesses prefer a central location for their warehouse.  

However, these days, small-scale businesses want micro-warehousing solutions for their operations. This enables them to set up warehouses across locations and experiment with the market. With this model, businesses can even withdraw from a particular area when needed, without losing too much.  

One of the unmatched benefits of on-demand warehousing is the warehouse flexibility that it allows. For a growing business, this service is a boon as it opens up innumerable possibilities for them to experiment with and expand their services across locations. With thrift culture on the rise, the apparel industry is looking for just-in-time supply chain solutions that minimizes inventory to reduce costs. Again, with on-demand warehousing, bringing such a supply chain model to life is possible. As these businesses are mostly small budget, through on-demand warehousing, they can figure out which would be the right location for their operations with minimum costs and risks.  

Get Custom Solutions for your Business

On-demand warehousing is for the new generation of businesses that demand flexible and custom solutions. Earlier, businesses had to sign a long-term lease, which was a risky move. Now, with on-demand warehousing, businesses have the option of paying for what you use, and for the duration you use the space.

If your business is the kind that does not need a whole warehouse to itself, on-demand warehousing is a brilliant way to save your monetary resources on unnecessary and unrequired space. There are no long-term commitments with on-demand warehousing. You will not have to commit to a space that you do not know you will fully use or need some time from now.  

Improve your Response Time

Businesses can act faster with on-demand warehousing. Traditionally, it took anywhere between six months to a year to find out a warehousing space. Now, it can be done in 24 hours. Market testing is not as risky now as it was earlier.  

Moreover, on-demand warehousing can also help save delivery delays. By getting warehouses in the locations where your sales are the highest, setting up same-day shipment, and even one-hour distribution is possible. Retailers can benefit from these services to provide accurate and reliable delivery services to their customers.  

Save Your Own Resources

On-demand warehouses store and ship as per your demand and can help save your resources. If you’re the type of business that does not need to invest in a whole warehouse for managing their services, on-demand warehousing would be the right service for you. You can save up on so many resources this way as you’ll only be investing in what you really need for your business. Also, setting up warehouses at the right place can also help you with your transportation costs.  

What Have We Learnt?

While on-demand warehousing is not the fix for every supply chain management problem, it can still be beneficial for the aforementioned ones. By employing a reliable and technically-equipped warehousing service, such as Anyspaze, your business will be able to have a strong nationwide distribution network. Which, in return will help you provide your customers with a satisfactory and flawless distribution service. 

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