anyspaze's blog

Shopping cart abandonment is an ever-growing problem for e-commerce businesses. According to The Omnichannel reports, as much as 94% of consumers abandoned their shopping carts since June 2020. What this means is that more and more people are window shopping on e-commerce sites. But why do people spend so much time curating wishlists, adding products to the cart and abandoning them last moment? And how do e-commerce giants like Amazon prevent shopping cart abandonment rates? Well, the answer lies in overpromising and overdelivering.  

Now, when we say overpromising and overdelivering, we mean it in a competitive way. Most e-commerce businesses fail to tend to the customer’s volatile needs. Let’s inspect Amazon’s functioning. The reason people are driven towards the platform is that it offers delivery fast and free (affordable, if not free). We can say that the primary cause of shopping cart abandonment is logistics problems.  

Is it ONLY a Logistics Problem?

If you think about it… yes, it is. The reason why most consumers abandon their carts is high shipping prices, or long delivery time. Note that here, we are talking about the consumers who browse through the e-commerce site with an intention to actually shop, and not window shop.  

During the time of checkout, high shipping charges can lay off a consumer and shift them to another site. Reports show that around 45% of consumers abandon their carts because of this reason. The next reason why consumers do so is long delivery time. In the age of Amazon Prime, there’s no reason why consumers would expect delivery to take more than a few business days. The speed of the delivery matters in preventing shopping cart abandonment issues.  

What is the Solution for Shopping Cart Abandonment?  

The fix for shopping cart abandonment issues, in short, is fixing the logistics services of the business. Your products and services need to be in proximity to your customers. The only way to do this is to physically take your warehousing operations closer to your customers. Setting up on-demand warehouses in the location where you get the most sales from can improve your business even better. On-demand warehousing is a brilliant way to deal with the flexibilities of the market. Providers like Anyspaze tend to on-demand warehousing needs for e-commerce businesses and connect them to the relevant marketplaces. 


By setting up flexible warehousing spaces in multiple locations, you will be able to save the expense on setting up fixed warehouses. You will also be able to test the markets. But this is not enough. Your existing logistics network must also be optimized. Some other aspects that an e-commerce business needs to prioritize include the use of data to track consumer preference, and personalise the shopping experience for customers. Rewards, etc. can also help make the consumer stick to your e-commerce site. Next, technology can also help immensely in improving your logistics operations. This can include devices, software that help with efficient warehousing, etc. Do whatever is needed to streamline your logistics operations and your overall sales would also improve.

Is that All I Need to Do To Prevent Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Improving logistics is pretty much all you need to do to improve your shopping cart abandonment rates. Apart from this, you can try and offer competitive rates on your delivery or products or service. Be innovative about it and do not hesitate to test and try. Remember that fixing logistics doesn’t have to be an economically draining affair. With services like on-demand warehousing, you can comfortably shift from a rigid business model to a flexible one that fulfills consumer demands better.

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Businesses have always struggled with efficient supply chain management. A sorted supply chain consequently leads to the other operations of the businesses becoming smoother. It can get you an advantage over your competitors and increase your customer base by helping you sustain and expand your business.  

The recent changes in the supply chain industry post-covid have brought out the need for innovative solutions for supply chain problems. With on-demand warehousing, companies like Anyspaze are meeting the demands for the booming e-commerce sector and catering to it with custom solutions.  

On-demand warehousing is a third-party service that gets you temporary warehousing best suited for your business’ demand. For example, If you’re a brand that deals in apparel and the demands for your products go high in a particular season, you will require extra storage space for your inventory. With an on-demand warehousing service, you will be able to attain that extra space instantaneously with providers like Anyspaze. In this blog, we will talk about many such supply chain problems and their fix - on-demand warehousing.  

How Can Supply Chain Challenges Be Solved With On-Demand Warehousing?

Let’s take a detailed look at how the following supply chain challenges can be solved with on-demand warehousing:  

Manage Inventory Overflow or Unused Space Better

In the last two years, almost all businesses have dealt with high demand fluctuations because of repeated covid lockdowns. With changing demand, the need for keeping more inventory or getting rid of it arises. And this, in turn, brings supply chain problems.  

In terms of space, businesses can have two problems -  

       ● they need more of it for their inventory overflow  

       ● they want to get rid of the unused space  

With flexible, on-demand warehousing, businesses can easily procure that extra space or get rid of it by sub-leasing it. For example, the apparel industry witnesses a boom in its sales during the festive season. During this time, businesses in this industry require extra warehouse space to meet the demands. At such a time, on-demand warehousing can work as a great cost-effective solution for such businesses.  

Managing seasonal or periodical inventory overflow and shortage of space leads to disruptions in supply chain management. It can even impact the end customer by causing order delays because of inventory management. On-demand warehousing is also a foolproof solution for managing inventory overflow. In case the need for extra storage space arrives, you can get it quickly via on-demand warehousing.

On the other hand, there are some businesses that have to deal with a lot of vacant space in their warehouse, which causes resource wastage. During the last two years, many industries had to keep their warehouses empty because of little to no demand, whereas the pharmaceutical industries were finding a lack of storage space. With the help of companies like Anyspaze, the sub-leasing of warehouse or a portion of it to other interested businesses is possible.  

Choose the Right Location for your Operations  

The problem of having the warehouse at the right location is a common one among businesses as it can affect transportation and shipment costs. Many businesses prefer a central location for their warehouse.  

However, these days, small-scale businesses want micro-warehousing solutions for their operations. This enables them to set up warehouses across locations and experiment with the market. With this model, businesses can even withdraw from a particular area when needed, without losing too much.  

One of the unmatched benefits of on-demand warehousing is the warehouse flexibility that it allows. For a growing business, this service is a boon as it opens up innumerable possibilities for them to experiment with and expand their services across locations. With thrift culture on the rise, the apparel industry is looking for just-in-time supply chain solutions that minimizes inventory to reduce costs. Again, with on-demand warehousing, bringing such a supply chain model to life is possible. As these businesses are mostly small budget, through on-demand warehousing, they can figure out which would be the right location for their operations with minimum costs and risks.  

Get Custom Solutions for your Business

On-demand warehousing is for the new generation of businesses that demand flexible and custom solutions. Earlier, businesses had to sign a long-term lease, which was a risky move. Now, with on-demand warehousing, businesses have the option of paying for what you use, and for the duration you use the space.

If your business is the kind that does not need a whole warehouse to itself, on-demand warehousing is a brilliant way to save your monetary resources on unnecessary and unrequired space. There are no long-term commitments with on-demand warehousing. You will not have to commit to a space that you do not know you will fully use or need some time from now.  

Improve your Response Time

Businesses can act faster with on-demand warehousing. Traditionally, it took anywhere between six months to a year to find out a warehousing space. Now, it can be done in 24 hours. Market testing is not as risky now as it was earlier.  

Moreover, on-demand warehousing can also help save delivery delays. By getting warehouses in the locations where your sales are the highest, setting up same-day shipment, and even one-hour distribution is possible. Retailers can benefit from these services to provide accurate and reliable delivery services to their customers.  

Save Your Own Resources

On-demand warehouses store and ship as per your demand and can help save your resources. If you’re the type of business that does not need to invest in a whole warehouse for managing their services, on-demand warehousing would be the right service for you. You can save up on so many resources this way as you’ll only be investing in what you really need for your business. Also, setting up warehouses at the right place can also help you with your transportation costs.  

What Have We Learnt?

While on-demand warehousing is not the fix for every supply chain management problem, it can still be beneficial for the aforementioned ones. By employing a reliable and technically-equipped warehousing service, such as Anyspaze, your business will be able to have a strong nationwide distribution network. Which, in return will help you provide your customers with a satisfactory and flawless distribution service. 

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One aspect of supply chain management is warehouse management. Two extremely significant variables when it comes to running a profitable, efficient, and cost-effective warehouse is strong leadership and continuous development of warehouse operations. To maintain seamless operations, warehouse management entails organising and controlling everything that makes up your warehouse. Your approach must be based on a solid basis for a warehouse to work smoothly.

Any Spaze is the largest on-demand warehouse network storage and supply chain solution platform in India, offering end-to-end cold chain solutions. They provide a wide range of integrated solutions and in-house Warehouse Management that are flexible, scalable, and provide a substantial competitive edge for optimum business performance.

While managing your warehouse, AnySpaze delivers end-to-end visibility. As warehouse management service providers, AnySpaze enables businesses to take proactive steps toward storage efficiency. Along with proper management and warehousing solutions, AnySpaze as a Warehouse service provider manages optimised costs, mitigates the inherent risks associated with poor warehouse management, and improves visibility which in turn maximises brand service quality and increases customer trust.

Renting the warehouse also gives you the option of moving out at any time if your company expands and you need additional space. You can move faster and more easily, and you will have no trouble finding another large warehouse of your choice. We have good warehouse locations in our records that can be employed for various purposes at the same time.

If you already have existing warehouse, here’s what you can expect Anyspaze -

Unmatched Flexibility

AnySpaze offers best-in-class functionality to empower the operations and enable scalable expansion to match particular requirements to be customised and executed.

Warehouse space is effectively utilised

A warehouse management system not only reduces the need for safety stock, but it also improves available warehouse space on a regular basis by systematically and effectively placing products in connection to receiving, packaging, and shipping areas.

Increased Transparency

With AnySpaze, transparency is one of the major advantages.  We strive to improve and expand our competitive digital and technological reach to the core companies on a regular basis. Any Spaze creates warehousing designs tailored to each sector with cutting-edge technology and ensures efficient procedures and a high level of process reliability.

Streamlined Operations and Workflow

We use cutting-edge tools and technologies to make real-time analytics simple. By evaluating market trends, replicating growth patterns, and designing revenue creation and expense reduction plans, AnySpaze ensures that corporate operations run smoothly.

Some other benefits of warehousing

  1. Warehousing saves money and time by reducing the expense and effort of bringing in and storing seasonal or temperature-sensitive commodities. It proves that buffer stock is a good idea! With storage, you may consolidate products for a longer period of time without risking spoiling or running out of critical supplies.

  2. Professional workers are trained to pack, store, condense, and transport hassle-free simplify inbound and outgoing storage tasks, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

  3. Warehousing adds value to commodities by offering services that make things available in the most convenient way feasible, as well as lowering costs and improving customer service.

Anyspaze provides comprehensive inventory management and assistance through a precise combination of new technology and experienced warehouse workers, which has been proved to boost overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Anyspaze is a one-stop perfect warehouse provider that can handle your inventory management, supply chain management distribution strategy, order processing fulfilment, and road transportation needs while adhering to worldwide standards. The staff is dedicated to setting new records in serving clients all over the world with top-notch products storage, timely distribution, and a modern fleet outfitted with the newest technology for real-time surveillance. As a result, if you require warehouse storage space for rent in order to address inventory storage and distribution to global locations with core efficiency and experience, please contact us.

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Architectures amend functional spaces by making use of many materials. The rise in modern architecture has made it necessary for architect designers to keep up with the advanced layouts, elements, etc. For this, architects make use of AutoCAD architecture, which is specialized architectural design software.

Whenever we think about architects, we imagine them as illustrating their ideas on pen and paper. But, with the unprecedented emergence of modern technology, the best AutoCAD institute in Delhi have gained access to computers with AutoCAD software.

AutoCAD, in the simplest sense, can be defined as a computer-aided software program created by Autodesk that has made the work of engineers, architects, and drafters easier than ever. This software allows the prevention of product failures and leaves no room for warranty issues. If you have the zeal to create the best designs through imagination, then AutoCAD is the ideal tool to make them happen. It has all the necessary tools that you would require for designing great products.

With wider demands, there has been a wider availability of this technology that has taken over all the manual work previously done with rulers, triangles, compasses, drafting boards, pencils, and so on. AutoCAD thus renders the capability of adding light, controlling shades and edges, along with an ability to control the visuals of texts, and dimensions of 3D models.

Advantages of using AutoCAD

1. Reduces the probable errors by allowing changes to be made at any point, by alleviating the chances of mistakes.

2. It saves time and money with a brilliant user-oriented interface that increases productivity by reducing the time consumed.

3. Working and sharing heavy files without the risks of losing them in the process is where AutoCAD comes into form.

4. AutoCAD involves the creation of a manufacturing database for an easy production process.

Difference between Revit and 3D's Max

If you are already indulged in Computer-Aided Design, then 3D MX and Revit are something you will have a regular need of. They are two other software products of Autodesk.

3DS Max:

It is based on the older CAD technology, used entirely for designing graphics as well as 3D graphics, 3D modeling, visual effects for movies, architectural models, and animations. Being very closely tied to Revit, 3DS Max goes hand-in-hand with Revit in tasks including rendering. With its highly dynamic tools, it couples with the workflows to improve productivity and resolve highly complex resolution assets. Also, 3DS CAD supports Python Scripting, Point Cloud, Active Shade, and other extensions. If you have chosen a career in this, then there are numerous advantages that would emerge after being a part of a professional 3D Max Training Institute.

Benefits of use:

Amazing UI for graphic designs, 3D animations rendering, and 3D modeling.

Architectural models are precise and better than the ones produced with Revit.

Produces high-resolution graphics, models, and animations with the best tool enhancements.


Revit is software that is majorly used for BIM purposes and can be popularly known as an architectural design tool that is used in the design of MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) systems, structural engineering, and construction projects. It has an easy and user-friendly interface. Also, it is an all-in-one application that is used for MEP, architectural design and structural engineering, and construction. It extends support for construction modeling, work sharing, parametric components, and bidirectional associativity. Choose the best Revit Institute in Delhi to leverage the enhancements of this software in multiple ways.

Benefits of use:

Revit supports the creation of sections, elevations, and files that are not supported by 3DS Max.

It generates the use for the importation and editing of files. Furthermore, it can give a rough estimate of the construction costs by using its bill of quantities features. It is easier to use and does not require immense knowledge of building and construction for appropriate usage.

Revit Vs. 3DS Max

Revit3DS MaxBest for architecture designingBest for renderingIt is a Building Information ModelerIt is a 3D modeling toolSimplifies the workflowIt is a specialized 3D animation rendering and modeling applicationA single application that incorporates architectural design, MEP and structural engineering & construction.3DS delivers a dynamic set of new tools, lubricating performance and elevate workflows to increase the productivity of working with high-resolution assetsGenerate results for concept modeling, construction documentation, bill of quantitiesThey assist next level of rendering

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Choosing the right warehouse and storage services can make all the difference in your company or business. Since warehousing services are one of the most significant parts of a supply chain, the appropriate choice of these services can regulate how efficiently, effectively, and profitably a company works. 

Warehousing is the core of e-commerce businesses, and the key elements include warehouse operations, warehouse management, and warehouse management system. Though the key warehousing principles remain the same, the solutions have changed a lot over the years. 

There are certain strategic considerations that one should make while choosing the warehousing and storage service for your business. The major points to keep in mind are,

1.    Selecting the right location - 

The location of your warehouse is directly related to the efficiency of your deliveries, shipping costs, and the overall consumer experience. The location should be near transport routes like roadways, railways, airports, etc, to ensure easy deliveries across the country. 

You might also want to rent or buy multiple warehouses in other parts of the country to ensure same-day or next-day deliveries to people living in those regions. This becomes especially important for industries dealing in pharma, as it ensures speedy delivery of medical equipment and associated medicines quickly. In this scenario, shared warehouses are a good choice as they allow you to rent and pay for only the required amount of space. 

The decision for the location of the warehouse depends majorly on the growth of the business. You should carefully consider your short-term and long-term goals to make the correct choice. 

2.    Workforce availability and labor skills - 

Not every location offers the right workforce with the required skills. Choosing the warehouse located at a place where people live can help you get a workforce for your business. Also, ensure the availability and non-availability of seasonal and non-seasonal workers don’t affect your business operations. 

Considering the supply and demand while looking at the availability of the workforce is also important. Low demand but high availability of workforce will cause the salaries to decrease. And, high demand but lower availability of workforce will drive the salaries up, meaning that the operating costs will be higher. 

The skillset of the workforce is vital as it will determine the productivity and effectiveness of customer service. It helps ensure an upper hand in this competitive market. 

3.    Storage requirements - 

Each business has different kinds of goods to sell, and each of them requires a different storage facility. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the warehouse and storage service that you choose is capable of handling all your unique needs. 

For instance, industries dealing with chemicals and medical stuff would like storage facilities that prevent them from any damage. Industries hiring warehouses for apparel should keep a note that the place is free from any such factors that can damage them.

For your products to function at their maximum capacity, it is essential to ensure that the warehousing operations related to them keep them suitably. Also, factors like cleanliness, environmental safety, and the provision of sustainable solutions should be kept in mind. 

4.    Rents, taxes, and warehouse lease - 

Considering the costs and legal requirements while choosing the warehouse and storage service is an essential point. The rent varies from place to place, and all related aspects should be carefully considered. There are certain local government plans as well that can be leveraged based on your industry. 

The warehouse lease should be thoroughly investigated, as the person responsible for maintenance, repairs, etc, should be designated in advance. The type of rental contract should also be mentioned in the contract to ensure that the warehouse offers you services accordingly. 

People looking to hire warehousing facilities for only a short period or only for storing certain materials can make use of the shared warehousing facilities. This service allows you to save money while getting the benefit that you want. 

5.    Proximity to transportation means - 

The location of the main modes of transportation, including roads, railways, airports, are supposed to be close to the warehouse site. This helps in ease of receiving goods, and of transporting them to other regions of the country. 

You want your warehouse to be as close as possible to the main mode of transportation based on the requirements of your business. This will help control the shipping/drayage costs and the maximum velocity, i.e. transport of a maximum number of containers. 

6.    Nearby market and environmental factors - 

The proximity to the market being served, environmental factors, suppliers, and producers are important considerations. The concerns regarding the major supply chain partners will help ensure the effectiveness of the selected location. 

Vicinity to producers, consumers, and suppliers will ensure a decrease in transportation costs, fast deliveries, and increased responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Environmental factors like weather and related disasters should be carefully considered as the warehouse should be built to minimize related risks. 

7.    Other important services offered - 

The basic services and the amenities that the warehouse offers also affect the decision of choosing them. The required equipment and space availability will help you decide if it’s a suitable fit for your business. Inventory management, product labeling, product packaging, and inventory tracking systems all ensure the efficient movement of goods. 

Insurance of the warehoused goods will ensure the complete safety and security of the goods until they are shipped. This point is especially important as it takes away all of your stress related to any financial losses in case something happens, as you can claim the amount of the loss directly without any hesitation.

Services like 24*7 surveillance are also something that can affect the decision of your warehouse choice. Installed cameras and security guards ensure the safety of the goods at all times. 

AnySpaze is one such company that provides a one-stop solution to all your warehousing and logistics needs. They not only have the availability of the required services, but also high technology systems that allow you to live track your goods. 

They have an amazing concept of shared warehousing that ensures that all companies looking for warehouses can save money while receiving the most benefits out of the services. They cater to a multitude of industries including, e-commerce, pharma, healthcare, retail, apparel, electrical, automobiles, etc, while ensuring that each one of them gets top-notch facilities that can help boost their growth. 

It is essential to ensure that you have hired the right and reliable warehousing and storage services as your goods stay there for a very long time. Verifying the background of the company that you are hiring and checking previous work and reviews can help you make an informed decision. 

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Although it is a very arguable topic but undoubtedly, logistics is one of those domains that is extensively used and is required by almost all the other sectors and businesses. Where there are several sectors in which logistics play a vital role such as e-commerce, there are others that have simple use of this service. But most businesses do use logistics at any point in time. If you had to define logistics, it can be said that it acts as a connector between customers and manufacturers.

Using the different platforms available on the internet, you use one of the other types of logistic services. If you are looking out for a service provider and you wish to hire them for your business movement, then you need to stop right there. There are a lot of things that you will have to keep in mind before hiring logistics partners and if you get these basic things you can go green with them. From different types of logistics service providers to on-demand logistics providers; you get all of them, but then again you have to be very sure they have these things.


One of the best ways to know the worth of a logistics partner is to check their capabilities. This can be done in a lot of ways and not only one. You can start by running a background check on their services. This will show every aspect of their services right from what they are capable of offering to their charges and their geographic reach. The wider your business the better service provider you would want.

Delivery speed

Not all orders are done to be received in 4-5 days. There are so many people who order things urgently and some of them require it in a few hours and they agree to pay for it. But that’s where your delivery partner plays an important role. If they are incapable of delivering your products on time, it will reflect a bad image of yours. Whereas if they do it without a problem it can help in building their image as well as yours.

Brand image

Not everyone thinks about it but if you want to work smoothly with a logistics partner, you need to know about their market value and image. It is wisely said that a brand or a business is as good as their delivery partners because not only the product matters. The first impression is imparted by your logistics partner. If they deliver your product in a good shape at the doorsteps before or on time, it highly helps in building your good image and recurring memory in the customers.

These are just 3 important points to consider, especially when you are looking for on-demand logistics in Himachal Pradesh and any other such areas. It becomes difficult to get good service providers in these areas because accessing remote locations becomes difficult. So getting a reliable service provider is a difficult task here but over time there have been a lot of names that have come up. Anyspaze is among the best ecommerce warehousing solution providers, which offers a wide range of services to their customers including logistic management, inventory management, 3PL (third party logistics), and supply chain management. The team of experts helps the clients to meet their requirements as well as ensure the clients the growth in their business.

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Technical advancement has been a highlight in every sector. It has helped a lot of businesses work better and get more returns. There have been a lot of ways by which these technologies have brought a massive change or transformation in the different sectors. One such sector that is positively affected or has seen a transformation is the warehouse and distribution management services. With e-commerce being mainstream, people order products 24*7 and that means every seller has to have a warehouse connection or one of their own.


If you have no clue as to why and how digital transformation is helping warehouses then this blog is for you. In this, we will explore the benefits of digitization and how various software and technologies are helping people in providing services in a better way. We all know how important it is to grasp the change and be a part of one. Therefore here are a few things that digital transformation has brought to the warehouse and logistics service providers:

●    Flexibility

One of the most important factors that one should look for in their warehouse service provider is flexibility. The more flexible your service provider is the better it becomes for you. It helps in covering more ground and delivering products quicker and better. With the help of technology, many service providers have started to become flexible and better in terms of their output.

●    Capabilities

Digital transformation has brought a lot of changes in the world and one of them in the warehouse sector is the increase in their capabilities. Now, almost every logistics service provider has integrated high-tech equipment and advanced technology to overcome their capabilities.

●    Improved customer support

One thing that the digital transformation of the logistics department has brought is the improvement in customer support. Whenever someone orders a product using any e-commerce platform people have the tendency to keep checking their order and keep a tab on what’s going on. If they find a problem, they like to shoot it to the customer care services. And with the help of digital transformation connecting with customer care has become easier and better.

●    Everything is online

Apart from everything else, technology has brought a massive change in the warehousing and logistic sector and that’s putting everything online. From selecting, to ordering to checking to track your order; everything has become online. Since everything is now online, you can get every information without waiting. From a customer’s point of view, it is one of the best things. They can track all their records, past orders, and more using the applications and websites.

Although there are a lot of things that are good and have been brought about by digital transformation or technology advancement, these are the top ones amongst them. Even if you are hiring a logistics service provider make sure they are technically sound and have new-age things integrated. Do get the reviews checked of the warehouse companies you are looking to tie up with.

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Warehouses are essential for almost every business to store its supply of goods. Hence the benefits of having a warehouse near a seaport are just immense. India has 12 major ports and around 190 non-major ports. In fact, the shipping ministry is all geared up to set up product-specific warehouses and silos at various ports in order to reduce storage losses.


Some of these ports offer multi-client warehousing services or shared warehousing spaces that enable businesses to cut down on their expenses heavily by paying only for space and labor utilized.  

Again, the proximity to the sea makes for a fantastic location allowing ease of access and helps expedite the initial processes of loading and transfer to warehouses in a smoother and easier way.

That being said, here are a few benefits of opting for a shared warehousing space near a seaport in India

● Extremely Cost Effective

The warehousing industry in India is pegged at USD 7.8 Billion and is expected to grow at 10 % annually. With warehouses in demand and a shared warehousing concept in the running, you can find cost-effective warehouses with Anyspaze that allow you to share the space with other companies. In other words, space becomes a variable factor and you only have to pay for space and labor used. This helps you cut down on extra expenses and you can instead invest this money in other vital areas of business.

● Expert Handling

Since shared warehouses mean that a lot of functions and operations are outsourced to a 3PL provider, it throws a considerable portion of the burden off your shoulders. We have a team of experts possessing the knowledge of several years and expertise in handling products under various niches, you can rely on Anyspaze to manage your processes. This, in turn, enables you to focus on the core functioning of your business.

● Most conducive and strategic locations

For ages, warehouses have been generally established near seaports and commercial centers. The biggest advantage of this is that it enables easy loading and unloading of the goods directly from the seaport. Anyspaze warehouses also calls for swift transfer to the warehouses. When the initial process is expedited, the processes that follow thereafter take place even more easily and rapidly. Again, the ports help actively stimulate the large-scale labor needed to run a multi-client warehousing business. This enhances the flexible labor supply conditions, smooth customs formalities, etc.

● Easy Distribution

We already spoke about outsourcing important operations. But how does a shared warehousing service near a seaport help you do the same? The strategic location makes ports competitive areas for distribution and at the same time we help you to prepare in the form of consolidation centers for export cargo. Thus, it becomes an inlet for easy access and distribution.


We offer several advantages of shared warehousing near seaport which include special storage facilities for specific goods, temperature-controlled storage, top-notch security, etc. making the ports one of the most highly sought after locations for setting up a warehouse

Are you on a hunt to find a warehouse? Or looking for a warehouse that can provide such services on a sharing basis? We have got you covered! You can find the best warehousing solutions at Anyspaze along with the modern technologies and world-class facilities that help your business to grow.

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Shared warehouse space is beneficial for those who are looking for storage space but cannot occupy all the space. For small scale retailers and ecommerce industry shared warehouses are a boon. It can fit all of your requirements such as storing your products, cost effectiveness, and proper storage area for keeping your products. If you are searching for a warehouse on rental to complete your supply chain needs, you may have some reservations about your product sharing space with other products in the same building. 

In a supply chain, numerous operations are taking place simultaneously. Hence streamlining these operations and coming up with an organizational system is the need of the hour. Anybody knowing about supply chains might be equally aware of the concept of a warehousing facility acting as a distribution center. To complete your supply chain needs, you need warehousing space. Honestly, a lot of us might have reservations about sharing a warehousing space, but its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

Speaking of that, here are a few benefits that come with a shared warehousing space for the logistics and supply chains:

  • Reduces the overall cost: A single, dedicated warehouse demands you to pay the entire cost. But the cost is reduced to a great extent with shared warehousing as the expense is borne by almost all the partners. You only have to pay for your own space and the labor you use.


  • Provides great flexibility in terms of commitment: No matter how good or bad your business is doing; a dedicated warehousing space usually comes with a long-term contract. But a shared warehousing space does not bind one in adamantine chains as it provides great flexibility, sometimes in cases that offer even month-to-month contracts. Again, the agreement can be for a shorter duration (1-3 years) compared to a dedicated single warehousing facility.


  • Access to specific storage facilities: Storage facilities differ from one product to another. For instance, there would be commodities requiring a very specific temperature for their sustenance. Often, the shared warehouses are equipped with special facilities that one can access at a special cost for a certain time period.


  • No separate investment in securing the facility: With a single dedicated facility, the expense of top-notch security is another headache. It’s a lot more expensive as one cannot afford to compromise on the security aspect. But this is not the case with the shared warehousing as they have already invested in high-end security. With multiple layers of security and advanced technology and infrastructure, there is an end-to-end assurance and visibility. You can be assured of your products being in safe hands.


  • Reap the benefits of industry knowledge: With a shared warehousing facility, there comes industry knowledge and experience. 3PL providers know the industry in and out due to their experience of having worked with a dozen of supply chains. Right from moving the products to handling them with care and special attention, they have mastered that art in a way. This knowledge will significantly be passed on to you, benefitting your supply chain methodology in the coming years.

There are a lot of prerogatives that come with shared warehousing space. It is cost-effective, time-saving, and allows the company to focus on its core business with a free mind. It allows the companies to save a hefty amount and also shared warehouses offer flexible leasing terms, which eventually decreases the burden in terms of monetary terms.

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Popularly known as multi-client or public warehouses, the shared warehouse is a concept gaining traction in the world of storage and warehouse management. When you place an order on an e-commerce website, the name of Gurgaon where the shipping process generally takes place as soon as you make an effort to track your package in the track history is not altogether unknown. Replete with so many warehouses, Gurgaon has become one of the leading hubs for the companies opting for shared warehousing services. As a result, a large number of businesses are seen hunting for the best-shared warehousing services in Gurgaon, to maximize their profits.

But what is it that leads them to do so? The answer is the ample benefits that come with a shared warehousing service. So, if you are among those looking for a multi-client warehousing option in Gurgaon, here are the following benefits that you will be entitled to:

  • Cost-effective: Traditional or dedicated warehouses come with hefty costs of their own. This also includes the lease for the building as well as the separate cost of hiring a set of professionals to look after the various processes. However, in shared warehousing space, you only pay for space and labor used by you. Even in the cases of slowing down of supply, you still need to pay the same or fixed monthly cost. Again, sharing helps reduce the cost to a great extent.


  • Automation: With shared warehouses being run with adequate professional help and expert guidance, there are ample opportunities for automation. Thanks to the advent of advanced technology that helps automate processes ensuring high-end visibility and providing extreme transparency at every touchpoint. Again, you do not have to run around micro-managing things which again saves a lot of time.


  • No commitment: With shared warehouses, you are saved from the hassle of undergoing a long-time commitment with longer contracts. There is greater flexibility in terms of contract which is usually on a month-to-month basis. 


  • Improved service: With professional help and a lot of other value-added services, your delivery time and shipping can be improved to a great extent. This provides businesses to study and explore new markets too. By allowing a third party to help you, you can boost your efficiency, get experts’ insights, access analytical tools and software, and acquire tighter control over your inventory. You also stand to maximize your space management. 


  • Adequate staff: With adequate staff strength made available to you, you can boost productivity with professional, experienced, and knowledgeable labor who can help you with storage management with ease.

Warehousing management can be problematic. But thanks to Gurgaon which is replete with so many multi-client and public warehousing options, allowing the businesses to carry on with their progress unhindered!

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