aliver's blog

In NBA 2K22 players have the option of 2K MT choose to play using shooting meter, or no shot meter. No, that doesn't mean shooting with a shot will not matter in the slightest, since you'll need to make sure that you time your release of the stick to coincide with when your player is going take the shot.

However, if you set this meter off, you will not be able see the shot meter at all in 2K22. There are a few advantages to this, and will come to them shortly. In the meantime, let's go over what you need to do in order to get rid of the shot measure of NBA 2K22.

To stop the shot metergo to the Settings either in game using either the Pause Menu or via the Main Menu. When you're in Settings Choose Controller Settings. After that, you will see an option called the Shot Meter option. To keep it running make sure it is set to On. As you can probably tell the setting is Off to shut off the shot meter.

For newcomers, it is likely 2K22 MT to keep this feature on. However, for experienced players who are familiar with shooting and are looking for a challenge, turning this off does give you an advantage. Generally speaking, shots are given an extra boost when this setting is turned off. In addition, it will make sure that when you play online the opponent will not be able to read your meterand will be unable to anticipate the rebound should you fail to receive a green release.If you look around on the internet, you're certain to find a variety of "best MyCareer build" lists. They're great, but what you really should be doing is think of the person you'd like to play as and build your character according to that. If you're not aiming to compete with the best athletes at The City, you'll be content with the build you choose.