MacMillanwu's blog

The reason Madden 24 coins players favored the latest CBA despite its obvious flaws

Madden NFL 24 gamers approved the new collective bargaining proposal from the owners by an extremely narrow margin of 1.019-959 votes. Approximately 500 Madden NFL 24 players did not vote. But, the CBA that runs all the way to 2030. was passed by the voting majority. It was a result I anticipated at some point, but the margin is shocking.

The agreement was accepted, even with a loud group of former players on social media as well as in the union. I'm aware that there's a debate about players choosing to vote in light of the current climate with the coronavirus epidemic and the market panic, but I find that difficult to believe. I think that this CBA was always going to be approved. Here's why.

There are two primary motives for the CBA was accepted

The first is it helps in helping "rank-and-file" players in the union better than stars. The growth in minimum salaries is significant, and I believe most rank-and-file members vote for what's important right now, not what matters later in their careers or after retirement.

That's why I was astonished to see the number of "no" ballots. There were reports earlier in the week about players wanted to change their vote and the Madden NFL 24 Players Association refused their request. However, it was speculated that most of those players were looking to change their vote from "no" to "yes," once they were able to get more information about the CBA. There were a lot of players who were initially"madden 24 mut coins by the voices on social media. I believe once they began to research the CBA for themselves, they decided to change their voting.

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