4. Cold Weather
Cold weather can change how the ball behaves by making it harder to kick with power. In frigid conditions, the ball may not travel as far, and you may find that it’s harder to generate the same level of force.
Field Goals: The colder air can make the ball heavier and more difficult to kick with distance. In cold weather, aim for more conservative power settings, as the ball won’t fly as far as it would in warmer conditions. You’ll need to focus even more on your accuracy and aim to ensure your kicks are on target.
Kickoffs: Kickoffs in cold weather will not travel as far, so you’ll need to adjust your power to compensate. Be careful not to kick too softly or miss your target. The sky kick or a controlled squib kick might be effective options for handling cold conditions.
5. Altitude
Playing in a high-altitude stadium changes the air density, making it easier for the ball to CFB 25 Coins travel farther and faster. This is similar to a tailwind effect, where the ball is carried more easily through the air.
Field Goals: In high-altitude locations, your kicks will generally travel farther with less power. When playing at a high altitude, reduce the power in your kicks and focus more on accuracy, as the ball will naturally travel further than expected. You may also find it easier to hit longer field goals, so experiment with kicking from longer distances.
Kickoffs: High altitudes also make your kickoffs travel farther. Take advantage of this to aim for deep kickoffs or to pin your opponent near their end zone. This gives your coverage team a better chance to buy College Football 25 Coins stop the return before it gains significant yards.
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