When Bayle stands up tall and roars into the sky he is about to execute his four-hit combo. This consists of a single punch from the left claw, followed by two quick sweeps with his right, then ending with the lightning slam detailed above. You want to watch his claws closely and Elden Ring Items dodge the second swing at the last possible moment so you can avoid both at once. Then simply dodge the lightning slam as usual before attacking.
If Bayle rears his head back with no electricity coming from his mouth he is about to do a two-bite combo. He moves forward with each bite, so make sure you roll back in time with the movements of his head to avoid the bites.
One of Bayle’s trickier attacks is his tail sweep. He will jump over your head, landing a short distance away facing away from you. Then, he will do a 180 to face you again, whipping you with his tail as it comes around. You need to notice the jump and react quickly so as not to be caught off guard. Roll through the tail and you should end up close to Bayle’s head and primed for a counterattack.
Bayle has one more breath attack he will use when you are in front of or beneath him. For this one he simply spews fire directly down onto the ground, dealing damage to the area beneath him. For this one, simply run backward away from the flames, they don’t reach too far. If you have a ranged attack (such as the Dragonwound Slash) you can hit while he's still breathing fire. Otherwise, wait for the flames to dissipate then run back in with a jump attack.
Another spell in his repertoire is his honed bolts. Bayle will lean down and roar, causing a small AoE that deals damage and knocks you back. After the roar, lightning will start striking down on top of you, about a dozen bolts in total. You can avoid these by running or rolling. The problem is, Bayle will continue to attack you as you are escaping the bolts so best site to buy elden ring items make sure you keep an eye on him to dodge whatever he follows up with.
The Wall