Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Don’t Fire Near Settlements from lijing's blog

13. Don’t Fire Near Settlements

Avoid firing near settlements to prevent attracting guard towers and rival ships' attention. Unwanted combat can lead to Skull and Bones Items your demise. If you need specific materials from factions, attack ships near settlements without initiating a plunder to earn silver and materials from reinforcements.

14. Respawn Options

After a shipwreck, choose to respawn on the water or at an outpost. While respawning on the water is faster, your ship suffers permanent damage until repaired. Sometimes, it's better to respawn at a nearby outpost, repair your ship, and return to the fray.

15. Toggling Ship Status Effects

Customize your interface settings to display status effects on enemy ships. This is especially useful during World Events or PvP encounters. Navigate to Settings, then Interface, and select Customize UI to enable status effect visibility, helping you prioritize targets and support your allies effectively.

With these tips and tricks, you're ready to buy Skull and Bones Items conquer the high seas in Skull and Bones. Prepare your ship, gather your crew, and set sail for adventure and glory!

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