Mmoexp WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold: It's almost like the time invested in farming the gold from lijing's blog

Pre selling means negotiating the price ahead of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold time if the price of a particular item falls so you can be sure that you'll receive it for a set price DDK please do this because some items despite being super sought-after aren't actually needed in all the classes it's the same story with glaives . Only two classes have the ability to use them and with potentially just two people bidding you probably won't be able to see the true worth of the item In fact, sometimes bidders bid higher than others because they believe an item is priced the wrong price and would rather throw away the golden price.

It's almost like the time invested in farming the gold doesn't have any value for them. Strange that in any case I'm guessing that this could be the first time an authority dial or GDP has seen its pre bought meaning they've already agreed to purchase this amount. In fact, it's best technically for Buy Cataclysm Classic Gold Warriors that are above a certain range of weapons.

This is a lot higher that the original 198 CAGR grasser received. In actual it's higher than the gold cap, which is 214k. A lot more than gold cap as if think that a warrior would have spent the 350.000 gold on a statstick, it's likely that this was just over 1/3 of the pot in order to provide an indication of what was put into DPS increases in the next item for Warriors. I've seen players come on around 20 or so. So we're looking at about 17.5k old-fashioned gold per DPS gained that seems a bit expensive.

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