Authors: Why Having an Audiobook is Wise from smithpublicity's blog

Given the sales statistics for books where printed copies account for about 80 percent of the market, self-published authors might question the need for audiobooks. But as book marketing experts can tell you, sales of audiobooks are growing, and they have other benefits. The first is reaching people who only buy audiobooks. The most successful titles on the market today are offered in all forms – print, eBooks, and audiobooks. If you're a sales-minded author, you'll want to take advantage of all opportunities. Some marketing opportunities spring from audiobooks that can also be beneficial.

Audiobooks have a built-in audience when you consider people who consume books in an audio format for lifestyle or disability reasons. A sizeable chunk of them only purchase audiobooks; you'll miss their purchases if you only release a printed edition. Boks can fit more seamlessly into people's lives in audio format. Listening while driving or doing other things is a pleasure and helps pass the time. Notably, many people enjoy curling up and reading a good book, but listening can take the place for those who don't have the free time to do it. It expands your audience to include more people.

It's also important to consider the impact of smartphones. Everyone now has a personal listening device that can download files from the internet virtually anywhere. Much of the growth of audiobooks is fueled by phones. Many people use them to listen to music, but some prefer books. They work well for some people when doing cardio at the gym. An engaging story keeps the mind occupied while the body is exercising. Others may listen at night before bed when they are winding down. Having someone read to you when you enjoy the story or a book's nonfiction content is relaxing.

In some ways, you can liken audiobooks to the golden days of radio when families would gather around in the evening to listen to dramatic programs. They were wildly successful and popular for several decades. If you do an excellent job of reading your book to an audience, it can have a similar effect. There is an intimacy to listening to a story, and your imagination comes into play. Each listener has a unique experience, and it becomes more personal and memorable. People listening for the first time may be surprised by how much they enjoy it. You can expect them to become audiobook enthusiasts.

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aaron brooks
Mar 10 '24
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