Among the many gambling games, roulette is most popular among representatives of various social classes and ages.
Traditional roulette is gradually being replaced by online roulette, which can be played at any time of the day and anywhere if you have a computer device and access to the Internet.
Roulette in online casinosThere are various roulette types in online casinos, so visitors to the resource can choose the option that suits their individual preferences. The American and European varieties of roulette are the most popular among players, while the French version is preferred by gaming “gourmets”.
Not even all professional players know the differences between types of roulette. To make a choice in a casino, you need to understand the features of different types of games.
Varieties of Roulette
Roulette was invented in France in the mid-17th century. The famous scientist Pascal invented the famous roulette wheel. However, the idea was not his, since the wheel was used in many ancient cultures for fortune telling and predictions. Pascal turned a fortune-telling tool into a gaming mechanism. The first players were French nobles, and roulette itself appeared on the streets of Paris much later.
The main types of modern roulette:
French. Traditional French roulette has very simple rules. The wheel disk contains 37 segments, numbered from 0 to 36. The green segment is called “zero”. Only French terms are used here. The main difference between French roulette and other types is that players voice their bets. In fact, the player tells the dealer the bet amount and the number, and then hands him the chips. The chips on the playing field are placed by the dealer, who uses different systems - Zero Spiel, Tiers du Cylindre, 2-4 and neighboring numbers, Orphelin Plein and others.
European roulette in casinos is more popular than French roulette due to the ability to choose the type of gaming contribution. European roulette appeared in Germany around the second half of the 19th century, after which it spread to other European countries. European roulette has 10 types of game bets, but there is no ability to voice bets. Another difference is a different ratio of money bet and money won.
American roulette appeared much later than European roulette. It was brought to the continent by immigrants from France, and the game got its name after gambling establishments introduced another “zero” sector. The main difference between American roulette is the presence of two “zero” sectors, that is, the number of sectors is 38. In addition, American roulette has a smaller gaming table, the number of bets is increased to 11 and the “deal” rule is applied.
Slot machines and roulette in online casinos are practically no different from real games of various types, except that all actions take place virtually. To start playing, just download the application to your phone, register, top up your deposit and select a gaming table.
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