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Tag search results for: "valorant accounts"
If fans are having a hard time finding the best gun to use in Valorant, this tier list can hopefully help make that decision a bit easier. While the meta constantly shifts, there's generally always been a better choice depending on the scenario you find yourself in. There's some nuance in spending those credits wisely, but ultimately the gun chosen to play with depends on players' personal preferences. That being said, there are certainly better guns to use depending on the scenario. B Tier - Good B Tier weapons are generally a sol... more
Riot Games will soon release Episode 4 Act 3 for its popular FPS title, VALORANT, and here's everything you need to know about the next act's start time and release date. VALORANT came out in June 2020 with around 11 agents and four maps. Now, after almost two years, there are 19 agents in the game with around seven maps, the latest one being Fracture. Well, the upcoming Episode 4 Act 3 update will add one more agent to the roster, bringing up the total agents number to 20. Valorant Episode 4 Act 3 Release Date Players won't have t... more
Valorant is a tactical shooter similar to Counter-Strike. Precise accuracy is critical, teamwork is essential, and every shot can be lethal. If you’re a newbie to tactical shooters, or just need some refresher on what separates Valorant from other shooter games, here are some tips and guides before you play.The GameplayThe typical competitive set-up is two teams of five, defenders and attackers. It's the attacker's task to plant the Spike at a bomb site, and it's the defender's job to stop them. You've likely seen the formula before,... more
Valorant is Riot Games’ newest shooter. Unlike Call of Duty or Overwatch, Valorant is a tactical shooter, closer to Counter-Strike. This means that accuracy is key, teamwork is critical, and every bullet has the potential to be lethal. If you’ve never played a tactical shooter before, or just want some refreshers on what separates Valorant from the rest of the shooter genre, we’ve got a few tips to help you before you dive in. Pick a role/agent In Valorant, there are four primary agent roles. They are Duelist, Initiator, Controller... more
If you're new to Valorant, you may be thinking about diving straight into ranked games. Unfortunately, that's not possible. To unlock ranked play in Valorant, all players must go through a simple process to help Riot accumulate an MMR starting place and place you in suitable games. Check out our comprehensive guide on how the Valorant ranking system works and how you can use it to your advantage. How to improve rank in ValorantValorant has a total of eight tiers in their ranking system. Iron Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond... more