I have nearly 1m from the lender (the dramatic fall of
RS gold the Abyssal Whip has done me no favours!) And if I sell my current range equipment I would likely have about 1.2m. I am now training on pyrefiends and using the following gear: Archer helm/Helm of Neitiznot, gloomy d'hide body, gloomy d'hide chaps, blue d'hide vambraces, Ava's Accumulator, dragon boots, and amulet of glory, magic shortbow and mithril arrows. Also likely worth noting as I have above my ranged level is currently 57 (not much from 58) and my defence level is 64. Any hints about what gear to wear, what weapons to use and what to train on will be greatly appreciated!
So I decided to return to Runescape today, just to understand everything has shifted by ALOT, Mages have as much armor and Hp. As Meleers, skills, action bar and alot of things, which left me with some questions that I need help answering: What are the best boots for Melee? ( After a lot of research, I found out that greatest stats are on Mage's batwing boots, are there some better boots? , and are there any penalties to sporting them as a melee?) Why should I even wear rune armor at all!? Can someone who just plays Melee pk quite well? ( and what is the best place for him to do that) Is the Amulet of Str useless now? ( I don't understand the whole crit item ). Thanks for taking the time to read my queries.
So I am preparing a new collection of Adventures for the following skill log. I am unsure at this time what I really need to do however. I kind of want to keep away from"becoming that 99!" Trigger well I am simply not like that haha. I favor more tangible goals/etc over obtaining a 99.
One Adventure I do KNOW about is divination. I really don't enjoy it but I do want to train it some...I am somewhat wanting to carry out on it till they develop better coaching experience fashions because of it haha. (I'm thinking 48-70 is a fair goal for me for it at the moment) Another Adventure I am somewhat curious about is trying out these new instanced boss fights * KK etc) even if it's just on the easiest level at the moment.
Another Adventure I have been lazy about but that I want to achieve is 110 dungeoneering ( such as 105ish at the moment? ) This will take me a while cause I just solo. After four items though. . I need more ideas. I am aiming for
cheap RuneScape gold around 8-10 ideas total.

The Wall