Things to note when using sex dolls. from willy's blog

When using a sexdoll, you should use lubricant to fully lubricate the vagina of the sex doll. Without lubricant, the inside of a sex doll will not be properly lubricated, and a life-size sex doll's vagina may rupture. Condoms are safe to wear if they are adequately lubricated.

Hugging a beautiful big ass sex doll is the ultimate immersion, this big butt sex doll can give an almost human quality. Plus, posing in your favorite outfit seems to bring more realism. Depending on the combination, you can try different scenes and positions, and this sexy big-ass sex doll can also become very girly!

After using the sex doll, clean the inside of the doll's vagina with water and disinfect the sex doll. See Step 1 for disinfection instructions. After disinfection, wash the sex doll with warm water, dry the inner and outer surfaces of the sex doll with a towel, or let it dry naturally for next use.
Many people buy cheap sex dolls but don’t know how to clean them properly, causing a lot of confusion. Taking care of a sex doll is not that easy, and many people put it aside after use and continue to use it next time. Some people don't care about their babies' hygiene, they just want to protect them. Sex dolls give us the greatest satisfaction. It's only natural that we do things for dolls.
first step. We scrub the TPE sex doll's body with warm water, absorb the excess water with a dry towel, and then apply the allocated talcum powder on the body to ensure it is lubricated. Wash the lower body in the washing machine provided by the manufacturer. Fill your body with warm water. When cleaning the lower body or valuables, it is best to add a small amount of disinfectant to warm water. It's safer and healthier.
The second step is to wash your face. The most important thing when washing your face is to avoid eyelashes. Do not remove eyelashes.
The third step is to wash your hands and do not open your nails to avoid them falling off. But don’t worry, there’s nail glue too. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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By willy
Added Jan 16 '24



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