What's the situation today, what would I comment? We're torn about whether or not to be optimistic about the sport's future, and Lost Ark Gold the manner in which it's handled from both SmileGate and AGS. There are still a few good shots left of reigniting my enthusiasm, with the Summer Event being the next big thing (and we hope that it's numerous events, and not another repetition of a single "somewhat-big" event like it was the Naruni Race and nothing else), but that's really unlikely to be the case in the event that anyone sees Korean streamers displaying the about 5 or so "just" registration events in place in parallel (whether it's just for the game or as a mixture of on-website events as well on their official LA site).
A lame-ish login schedule for daily events , plus one Naruni Race-equivalent is NOT the gospel preached about this race, not even close. This is the minimum we're currently getting.
The ridiculous approach to RMT-ing by AGS does not help in any way. "Back in my day," individuals were either permabanned on the first offense or - a bit more lightly - get to the mark by the 3rd time but at ALL TIMES all the Lost Ark currency gained via being banned was removed, otherwise what's the point.
I'm sighing, IDK, am still going to play it for the future months ahead however I'm able to state that the famous Legion Raids aren't my cup of tea - but I'm not exactly the kind of player who's in love with them. rather enjoy the horizontal content the game offers instead.
I was definitely swayed over my excitement over the Lost Ark Gold River talk too. I'm not big on MMO however the last MMO I ever played (Blade and Soul), I put my life due to it (I was temporarily unemployed) in order to finally see that the game's creators getting greedier to the point where regardless of the work I do I'd end up behind whales. I knew KR MMO is like that in general Lost Ark Gold Buy, and I draw the line between them. The discussion of Lost Ark Gold River and SG being a top dev has inspired me to reconsider, and I finally decided to give it an opportunity to LA. Then... nothing.
The Wall