28.07.2022 at 09:09 by Karsten Scholz - In a detailed post on the official WOW forum, the community manager told us about some of the changes to Classic Arena PvP in WotLK Classic and what rewards you can get after the PvP season ends .

When the WotLK Classic starts on September 7, 2022, in addition to new PvE challenges, you will have a new PvP season in the competitive area. In a post on the official WOW forum, community manager Kaivax once revealed the improvements made to Team Deathmatch after the first beta test.
The improved UI will have no team arenas
In the near future after the official launch of WotLK Classic, Blizzard developers will announce that there will be no more team arenas. So any character that is yours to register on the server afterwards, physiology or failure to play in the arena will only affect your personal rating as there will be no team rating anymore. This also means that personal strength has become the most important thing, so how can you quickly improve your personal strength? I recommend you to come and take a look at MMOWTS. The
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The developers wanted to revamp TBC Classic's Arena Battle UI in great detail to provide players with a new, at-a-glance ranking system in the new version, which makes your ratings and rankings clearly visible.
Just like The Burning Crusade, the weekly system will award you Arena Points based on your rating and engagement. You need to play a minimum of ten Arena matches in order to earn Arena Points. At the end of each season, there will be additional rewards, the following are the maximum rewards:
Rank: At the end of the PvP season, you will be in the top 0.1% of all participants in all arenas.
Gladiator: At the end of the PvP season, you will be in the top 0.5% of all participants in the Arena.
There are so many masters in the arena, how can they stand out among so many strong players? I have a solution for this - MMOWTS, as an old third-party trading website,
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