FIFA career mode AI is not flexible enough, they still need more teams to polish themselves.
A few days ago, my colleague Ben Sledge told me why he gave up the FIFA 22 FIFA series he worked so hard for. I sympathize with this but do not fully understand it. Like most FIFA players, they spend most of their time with Ultimate Team, trying to build their favorite team. The difference is that my favorite mode is career mode, and when I try online mode for the first time, I choose an existing team that I like best. While we don't approach Ultimate Team the same way, one of Ben's points got me thinking: the lack of change in the game's AI. I think the original intention of Ultimate Team is to allow players to form the team they think is the most suitable rather than a simple patchwork of some star players. It is undeniable that most players are expensive, and spending time is not necessarily an excellent choice. In Utnice, you can buy cheap gold coins or buy your favorite players. What offers you is an absolutely safe and affordable platform.

That's why Ben chose Ultimate Team over career mode, I hadn't thought about it before, but now I get it. Career mode is my favorite, in my eyes it is the most essential form of FIFA, and the newly added team creation option in FIFA 22 also elaborates this definition in disguise. You can describe your own story, some players who only focus on stats are not a good fit, and some players don't have great stats but still turn the tide on their own. Ultimate Team has this as well, but to me, some players in Ultimate Team aren't serious enough. They got caught up in some of the star
FIFA 23 Coins players and ignored the meaning of football itself.
When you play online, you will encounter all kinds of tactics, of course, this is why you play repeatedly, at least it will give you a different experience. Career mode is the opposite - different clubs have different teams and formations, but the AI is the same, so you can't have more experience. It's just that better teams have better players.
Soccer’s coordination methods are ever-changing, but FIFA’s AI teams all use the same method: the defender covers alone, fills in with the nearest player, and the attack method is nothing more than through balls or throwing wide and passing to the inside. Teams in FIFA won't hurt you no matter what. What I want is to have teams that are independent and can think realistically rather than dumb AI.
Ultimate Team is a mode that allows you to play freely. In this mode, players can work on piecing together the most suitable team and continue to run in. Utnice allows players to have a more convenient way to achieve this goal. There are low discount coins here and your favorite players.
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