The final boss of World of Warcraft's Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, The Jailer, has been nerfed again in Shadowlands' latest update.
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According to WoW stats tracker, on Mythic difficulty, the boss has been the biggest obstacle, and until now the number of guilds to defeat it is still only 11.
For the cheapest TBC Classic Gold, click on MMOWTS. On March 25, after the final stretch of the Race to World First nerfed the third phase of the fight, Blizzard nerfed the boss again by reducing health by 5%.
Additionally, the Chains of Anguish sometimes unreleased issue has been fixed by the devs, and an issue where Mage's Venthyr ability, Mirrors of Torment's last trigger would cause the Transfer Life Shield to cancel.
These nerfs are expected to take effect later today when the scheduled server restarts. And these nerfs can have a very big impact on the boss. And Mythic guilds may be able to move beyond the secret phase, with more wiggle room with The Jailer's notoriously complex mechanics.
The Sepulcher of the First Ones was one of the toughest raids in years. After entering its third week of raids for the first time since 2017, Europe's Echo finally
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