There is a possibility that it could vary from 1/35 up to 1/1000000 due to the fact that it fluctuates with no dependent factors. The only true factor it relies on is hope and determination. If you are reading this I hope it can help anyone who is in search of similar "fabled" outfits as I am.
Like many others here from the Sals Log or on-game, I'm attempting to OSRS gold achieve 136 cb using untrimmed herblore. I'm currently level 134. To reach this level I'll need 2 more summoning levels, and the strength and defense levels of 98. I'm still ~1.1M less than 99hp, but I can Glacor the charms for 92 without a difficulty at all.
What IS/COULD be an issue could be the combat the 98's. I'd have to obtain 750 or so soul wars. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've never been a huge player (apart from barrows) If I could win every single game, I'd have 9 zeal/hr. But, SW is so packed on W44 and the winning team is always full. Do you know of any tie worlds/lesser crowded worlds/tips for how to get on the winning side on W44?
Additionally, do you really think worth the effort? If not, should I keep doing scaping until I hit 99HP, it's trimmed. I'm a fan of the untrimmed as heck, it's one of the few ways to stand out on RS and not simply another standard lvl 130+ replica. But, are you sure this is worth the effort? In all honesty, don't tell me what you think I'd like to hear. Just share your authentic opinion.
Do i use melee at all? Not only on Jad and all other creatures. What should my inv be? and I'd also like to sell merchandise, and I'd like not spend more than 10 million to purchase it... Is the fire cape worth all the hassle? And no worries bout bandos, got 2 maxed berserkers (torva+chaotics+turm+ovlds) who'll be accompanying me.. Not bad, i barely do anythn, while still makin mills. I also bought peity for 11mil with buy runescape 3 gold frost bones. At 66 pray, gonna hit 70 tommorow.
The Wall