I was interested to know OSRS Gold
Sir Amik Varze really is a knight. I'm aware that the White Knights (By
Guthix I would prefer a different name, similar to the one that the
Kinshra have) are an organisation that is both military and political,
but in feudal society (yes I know that RuneScape pays no heed whatsoever
to the way the country was run, or even the the size of the territory
for that matter... the world is way too small) Knights are in the
middle, while a king is at the top, only beaten by an emperor.
would have a peerage in the event that he was the head of the King's
horse. Burthorpe could then be considered a principality. But, I believe
the principality is vast and Burthorpe is just its capital.
Kinshra were exiled from Falador and also from the mountains (I'm
pretending that there is an area of mountains that separates Asgarnia
from Misthalin from Wilderness... it seems strange to have one mountain
by itself) Therefore, I'm guessing that Daquarius is the leader of the
Kinshra becomes a marquis.
This makes sense, as Sir Amik is an
Lord. Also what is the reason Sir Amik merely a knight compared to
Daquarius, a Lord? What do you think? Can a knight be allowed to run the
kingdom as a ruler? Sorry for the unrelated bits. I simply copied and
pasted it from a RSOF posting.
The grave Buy RS 3 Gold
isn't clear for me. For those who don’t know, it's an assumption that
gravestones won’t be blessed and people will steal you loot. I can't
believe it was true prior to 2007. There was no grace period of six
minutes to collect your items.
The Wall