Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Focus on Your Role from lijing's blog

2. Focus on Your Role

Each player has a specific role in the team, and it’s important to Elden Ring Items stay calm and focused on your assigned task. Whether you're attacking, handling mini-demons, or supporting with heals, doing your part efficiently reduces the chaos in the fight.

Melee DPS: If you're playing a melee character, stay calm during attacks like claw swipes and tail whips. Focus on timing your dodges and attacking during windows when the Centipede Demon is vulnerable. Don’t overcommit to every attack — be patient, and wait for the right opportunity.

Ranged DPS: If you're playing as a ranged character, staying calm and aiming for weak spots during critical moments will help you land consistent damage without exposing yourself to best place to buy elden ring items the demon’s massive AOE attacks.

Support Roles (Healers, Buffs): If you’re the one providing heals or buffs, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the constant damage and chaos. Focus on healing during quiet moments after major attacks and coordinate your buffs to maximize your team’s damage output during high-impact phases.

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