2. Unarmed Attacks
Transition: At around 80% health, Viper Napuatzi switches to her Unarmed Stance.
Attack Pattern: She will plunge her spear into Path of exile currency the ground, creating a massive shockwave that deals significant Chaos damage in the area.
Dodge Tip: When you see her plunge the spear into the ground, be ready to dodge the shockwave and prepare for quick movement afterward.
Phase 2: She also utilizes chaos-infused ground effects to weaken and poison the player.
3. Arena Shrinking
As the fight progresses, the arena will slowly shrink. This means you'll have less space to maneuver, which makes dodging her attacks more difficult.
Tip: Bring at least 20% Movement Speed and POE currency for sale prioritize dodging over chasing damage if you need more space to work with.
The Wall