Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Swatting the Ball from dorissharonufo's blog

Swatting the Ball

Position Your Hands Early: If you’re not in position to CFB 25 Coins make an interception, your next best option is to swat the ball away. Get your hands in position as soon as you see the ball in the air, with your arms raised, palms open, and fingers ready to swat.

Attack the Ball, Not the Receiver: Focus your attention on the ball. Swatting the ball away with precision can break up a pass even if you're not in a perfect position to intercept it. Don’t worry about contact with the receiver; your job is to get to the ball first.

Swat with Confidence: Don’t hesitate when it comes to swatting the ball. You need to act quickly to avoid giving the receiver a chance to College Football 25 Coins for sale catch it. As you get closer to the ball, your timing will have to be perfect — swat at the right moment to make sure you don’t miss.

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By dorissharonufo
Added Jan 3



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