Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Faction System Overview from dorissharonufo's blog

2. Faction System Overview

In Skull and Bones, you can align yourself with different factions, each offering their own set of bonuses, missions, and Skull and Bones Items rewards. These factions represent different pirate factions, mercantile groups, and political powers. Your faction affiliation influences your reputation gain and the type of rewards you can earn.

Types of Factions:

Pirate Factions: These are pirate crews that value individual freedom, exploration, and taking what they want from the world. Pirate factions offer missions related to plunder, exploration, and sabotage.

Merchant Factions: Focused on trade, resources, and wealth accumulation, these factions reward players who thrive in resource management, trading, and crafting.

Naval Forces: More aligned with order and Skull and bones items for sale online discipline, naval factions focus on strategic naval warfare and offer rewards related to combat, ship upgrades, and naval strategies.

Each faction has its own set of objectives, and choosing which faction to ally with determines what type of missions and rewards you will receive.

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By dorissharonufo
Added Dec 13 '24


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