Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Maximizing XP Gains from lijing's blog

2. Maximizing XP Gains

XP is the key to player development in College Football 25. The faster your players gain XP, the quicker they develop their skills. To maximize XP gains:

Invest in your Tactician Skill Tree: If you’re using the Tactician Archetype, you’ll get a boost to XP gained through game performance, allowing your players to CFB 25 Coins develop faster.

Player Performance: Players earn more XP when they perform well during games. Encourage positive in-game performances (such as rushing for big yardage or making key tackles) to increase XP payouts.

Game Plans: Tailor your game plan to feature the strengths of your developing players. For example, if you’re developing a young quarterback, call more passing plays to boost their XP gain through passing yards and touchdowns.

3. Individual Focus and Development Plans

Once your players are in the program, assign them to focus areas that align with your team’s needs and future success.

Development Plans: Assign development plans for individual players to boost their ratings in specific skills. This can help younger players develop into reliable starters sooner, especially if they have the potential but need more refinement.

Practice and Simulate: Practice plays and scrimmages also contribute to player development. As the coach, make sure you’re practicing the key areas your players need to work on. You can simulate practices to buy College Football 25 Coins save time, but direct practice time for critical areas is essential.

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