Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Pulling and Isolating Enemies from lijing's blog

2. Pulling and Isolating Enemies

How It Works: Instead of charging in Elden Ring Items and fighting a group of enemies all at once, you can pull enemies toward you one at a time or in smaller groups by managing aggro.

How to Use It:

Lure one enemy: Use a ranged attack (like an arrow or spell) to aggro a single enemy.

Position yourself: As the enemy approaches, stand at a narrow choke point like a doorway, where only one enemy can attack you at a time.

Keep your distance: You can also use the environment to keep enemies at a distance, like standing behind a pillar or corner, then retreating when they get too close.

Tip: Use a ranged weapon or magic to pull enemies from afar. This allows you to engage the enemy on your terms and avoid the risk of aggroing additional foes nearby.

3. Using Line of Sight to Your Advantage

How It Works: If multiple enemies are nearby, use your surroundings to block their line of sight and prevent them from all seeing you at once. This way, you can engage them one at a time, avoiding group fights where you're more likely to be overwhelmed.

How to Use It:

Hide behind pillars, walls, or obstacles to break the enemies’ sightline. Once you’re behind cover, you can wait for them to move into an optimal position or to reset their aggro.

After using a ranged attack to aggro one enemy, use the terrain to buy Elden Ring Items keep the others from noticing you.

Tip: Be aware of your surroundings. Sometimes simply stepping out of sight for a moment is enough to break the aggro and reset the enemy's position, allowing you to pick off enemies one by one.

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