Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Capitalize on a Stagger from lijing's blog

Capitalize on a Stagger:

If the golem is staggered, it will temporarily drop its guard. This is the perfect moment to unleash your strongest attack. If you have a charged heavy attack or weapon skill, use it now to Elden Ring Items deal maximum damage.

Follow Up with a Critical Hit: Some golems can be critically hit when staggered. If this is possible, approach carefully and perform a critical hit to inflict massive damage.

Maintain the Assault, But Monitor Stamina:

After the stagger phase, the golem may be weakened or attempt another heavy attack. Continue with quick attacks or combos, but be mindful of your stamina.

Prepare to Dodge Again: Keep an eye on the golem’s movement. When it starts a new attack, dodge out of range and prepare to cheap Elden Ring Items repeat the sequence.

Example Sequence Recap

Bait and Dodge → Wait for the golem’s heavy attack, dodge to the side.

Attack Weak Spot → Move in and strike the gem on its back with a 2-3 hit combo.

Reposition → Dodge backward or to the side as it recovers.

Apply Quick Attacks → Use quick attacks or jump attacks to keep pressure.

Stagger and Critical → Perform a critical hit if it staggers.

Repeat and Manage Stamina → Dodge its next move, stay close, and repeat the pattern.

By following this sequence, you can efficiently deal damage while keeping the golem from fully regaining control. The key is balancing aggression with quick evasion to capitalize on every opening.

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