Mmoexp Diablo 4 Items: Summons a large storm that surrounds the Druid from lijing's blog



Effect: Summons a large storm that surrounds the Druid, dealing AoE damage and slowing enemies within its radius.

Use: An excellent skill for close-range AoE damage and control, especially for Druid builds that are tanky or want to Diablo 4 Items fight in melee range. The slow keeps enemies close for follow-up skills or sustained melee attacks.

Synergy: Works well with skills like Trample or Earthen Bulwark for creating space and controlling enemies in close combat.

Tornado (With Mods)

Effect: While Tornado itself doesn’t inherently slow, certain modifications can be made to augment it with crowd control effects, including slowing enemies that are hit multiple times by the tornado.

Use: Useful in dealing consistent damage over a broad area while keeping enemies slowed and vulnerable to follow-up attacks.



Effect: Throws a set of spiked traps on the ground that deal AoE damage and slow all enemies that walk over them.

Use: Ideal for kiting, Caltrops allow the Rogue to cheap Diablo 4 Items slow down pursuing enemies while dealing AoE damage as they traverse the spikes.

Synergy: Combines well with skills like Dash or Penetrating Shot, as it buys time for repositioning and lining up powerful single-target or AoE damage.

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