Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Click-On and Freeze Defender from lijing's blog

4. Click-On and Freeze Defender

Timing is Key: Click on the defender and hold the position to CFB 25 Coins anticipate the ball carrier’s cutback. This can lead to a solid tackle if timed right but can also leave you vulnerable if not executed properly.

5. Target the Inside Shoulder

Create a Target: Aim for the inside shoulder of the ball carrier, which is closest to you. This helps you avoid over-pursuing and allows you to adjust quickly if the ball carrier tries to juke or spin.

Limit Their Options: By targeting this shoulder, you force the ball carrier into a limited number of options, making it easier to make a tackle.

6. Use Breakdown Tackle/Conservative Tackle

Improve Tackle Success: When in close range, hold the appropriate button (X or A) to perform a breakdown tackle. This increases your chances of bringing the ball carrier to the ground.

7. Strategic Use of Hit Stick

Pick Your Spots: The hit stick should be used strategically. Look for opportunities where the ball carrier has committed to a move or cut, making them more vulnerable to a powerful tackle.

High-Speed Collisions: Attempting a hit stick at full speed is challenging and often ineffective. Instead, try to buy NCAA Football 25 Coins time your hit stick for moments when the ball carrier is less able to react.

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