Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Spending Monstrous Tooth from lijing's blog

5. Spending Monstrous Tooth

Available Rewards:

Mysterious Chest: Costs 50 Monstrous Tooth. Contains random loot and materials.

Beast Hunter’s Outfit Set: Costs 10 to 20 Monstrous Tooth. Includes accessories and clothing for your character.

Great Springald III (Blueprint): Costs 30 Monstrous Tooth. A high-tier ballista weapon.

Ouroboros (Blueprint): Costs 50 Monstrous Tooth. A unique armor upgrade for Skull and Bones Items your ship.

6. Additional Tips

Recurrent Battles: The Kuharibu respawns, allowing you to defeat it multiple times to accumulate more Monstrous Tooth.

Kingpin Rank: Once you reach Kingpin rank, you may encounter this beast as part of contracts, providing additional opportunities to earn Monstrous Tooth.


Defeating the Kuharibu Sea Monster in Skull and Bones is a challenging yet rewarding task. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the battle, earn Monstrous Tooth, and unlock valuable rewards. Continue to cheap Skull and Bones Items explore and conquer high-value targets like the Maangodin Ghost Ship for even more adventure and loot in the game.

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