Mmoexp Diablo 4 Items: keep an eye out for the upcoming Vessel of Hatred DLC from lijing's blog

Season 5 Release Date

Diablo 4 Season 5 will officially launch on Wednesday, August 6, 2024. The update will go live at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT. Make sure to log in at this time to start exploring the new content and earn those coveted reputation rewards.

As you prepare for the season, keep an eye out for the upcoming Vessel of Hatred DLC, which is set to release on October 8, 2024. This expansion will introduce even more content and features, continuing to Diablo 4 Items enhance your Diablo 4 experience.


Season 5 of Diablo 4 promises to bring renewed excitement to Strongholds and introduce a compelling reputation system that adds depth and variety to the game. By buy Diablo 4 Items preparing ahead of time and understanding the new mechanics, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of the upcoming content. Dive into the new season, tackle those Strongholds, and earn your reputation to unlock powerful rewards and enhance your Diablo 4 adventure.

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