Mmoexp Diablo 4 Items: Recommended Order to Play the Acts from lijing's blog

Recommended Order to Play the Acts

While you can choose any order, the most efficient way to Diablo 4 Items progress through the campaign is to follow the numeric order of the acts due to their level recommendations and narrative flow:

Act I: Start here to get acquainted with the game’s mechanics and story. It's set in the Fractured Peaks and provides a solid introduction to the game.

Act II: Move on to the swampy marshes of Scosglen once you’re around level 10. This act introduces new challenges and enemies.

Act III: Finally, tackle the Dry Steppes, recommended for players around level 15. This act prepares you for the later parts of the game.

After completing these three acts, you’ll progress to:

Act IV: This act ties the storylines of the previous acts together and introduces the ability to unlock mounts.

Act V: Explore Hawezar, the longest act, which provides further story developments and challenges.

Act VI: The final act wraps up the main storyline, covering multiple zones and introducing new locations.

Additional Tips

World Tier 1 (Adventurer): If playing out of order, consider sticking to World Tier 1 to mitigate any level differences between you and the quests.

Focus on Main Missions: Completing main story quests will give you the best progression through the campaign, but don’t overlook side content for additional rewards and experience.

By cheap Diablo 4 Items following this order, you’ll ensure a smooth progression through the story while adhering to the recommended levels for each act. Enjoy your adventure in Sanctuary!

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