Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Strategize Furniture Use from lijing's blog

10. Strategize Furniture Use

Furniture in "Skull and Bones" can provide valuable bonuses, but you can only equip one of each type. If you have multiple pieces with Skull and Bones Items similar benefits, their effects do stack, but you cannot use multiple identical pieces simultaneously. Equip furniture strategically to maximize your ship’s performance and take full advantage of the benefits offered by different pieces.

11. Manage Cargo Space Wisely

Your ship’s cargo hold has limited slots, so managing space is crucial. You’ll need to store repair kits, food items, and ammunition, so offload excess materials to avoid running out of slots for essential loot and resources. Visit Warehouses at Pirate Dens or locate Caches in Outposts to store or sell excess Commodities and free up space for new acquisitions.

12. Utilize Trade Routes for Resources

When searching for crafting materials, check the trade routes marked on the map. These routes indicate where materials are transported and can be targeted for resource acquisition. Scan ships along these routes and attack them to Skull and Bones Items for sale secure the materials you need, potentially saving money and earning additional Silver.

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