Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Cooked Items Grant More Stamina from lijing's blog

Skull and Bones Guide – Mastering the High Seas with 15 Essential Tips

Skull and Bones has finally arrived, offering an immersive pirate experience on the high seas. As you embark on your journey to Skull and Bones Items become a feared captain, mastering the intricacies of managing resources, unlocking ships, and dominating naval combat is key. Here are 15 crucial tips and tricks to help you navigate the challenges and emerge victorious in Skull and Bones:

1. Cooked Items Grant More Stamina

While sailing, gather various food items like coconuts and bananas, which can be cooked at outposts for enhanced benefits. For instance, cooked coconuts provide a substantial 40% stamina boost compared to 20% when raw. Stock up on these easy-to-find items to maintain stamina during extended voyages.

2. Edit Scroll Wheel for Item Shortcuts

Customize your item wheel early on to streamline item selection during combat. Access the scroll wheel, hover over slots, and press Triangle or Y to cheap Skull and Bones Items assign items such as repair kits or cooked food for quick deployment without interrupting your gameplay flow.

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