Mmoexp Path of Exile: Maven's Orb is great for those from lijing's blog

3 Mirror Shard

If you want something even more expensive than the Awakener's Orb, enter Maven's Orb. It drops from Path of exile currency The Maven herself, one of the final bosses of the Atlas. Prior to that, you also need to have completed her challenges. That's why Maven's Orb costs around 2,800 Chaos Orbs to purchase via trade.

Maven's Orb is great for those looking to perfect their influenced items. It's primarily used for elevating the modifiers for your influenced armor pieces. Or you can use it to get rich instead, what have you.

The Mirror Shards aren't orbs so they don't have inherent values in them. At most, they're actually used for stacking up until you have enough of them (20) to turn into a Mirror of Kalandra, more on that one later. At the moment, they cost around 5,500 Chaos Orbs.

2 Eternal Orb

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If you managed to find a few of them, you can use them to retire in Path of Exile. However, they only drop from Harbingers or are acquired from maps with the Harbinger League flag.

Eternal Orbs are even more expensive than Mirror Shards as each one of these babies costs more than 87,000 Chaos Orbs. At that point, you'd be better off asking for Exalted Orbs as payment, assuming you get one of these which is impossible as they don't drop.

Hence, the number of Eternal Orbs in the game can be counted. Why is it so good? Because it creates an imprint of an item and you can revert the item back to its imprint in cheap Path of exile currency case you botch its crafting or stats. As with all insurances, it's overpriced and expensive.

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